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Question Summary:
i am working in Oman, i visit my house in india once in 2years, i am having a wife, i want to ask whether it is ok for me to masturbate, because any how to control i cannot keep fasting for 2 years, pls guide.?

Question Detail:

Salam, i am working in Oman, i visit my house in india once in 2years, i am having a wife, i want to ask whether it is ok for me to masturbate, because any how to control i cannot keep fasting for 2 years,

Answer :

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
Assalaamu `alaykum waRahmatullahi Wabarakatoh
Our advice to you would be to bring your wife over to with you. Just as you have natural carnal desires, so does your wife. Just as it is the right of the husband that his wife fulfils his sexual desires, it is also the right of the wife that her husband fulfils her sexual desires. Maintaining chastity is one of the objectives of marriage in Islam.
If you can’t bring your wife to then you should visit her more frequently. The jurists have stated that it is not permissible for a man to stay away from his wife for more than four months at a time without her consent.[i] This is substantiated by the fact that after learning that a woman is not able to bear the separation of her husband for more than four months, Umar (Radiyallahu Anhu) decreed that no soldier is to be away from his wife for more than four months at a time.[ii]
It is not permissible to masturbate. If you cannot bring your wife to Oman and you cannot visit her more frequently, you should try to find some physical activities and past times that will divert your mind and energy away from your sexual desires. Also, you should attempt to find pious friends and acquaintances whose piety and good character will influence you toward good actions. Try to spend as much spare time in the Masjid and increase the amount of Dhikr and Tilawah of the Quran. These things should quell down your urge to some extent.

Mufti Ebrahim Desai (M2)
Darul Iftaa, Madrassah In'aamiyyah

[i]  قال الحصكفي: ( يجب ) وظاهر الآية أنه فرض نهر ( أن يعدل ) أي أن لا يجور ( فيه ) أي في القسم بالتسوية في البيتوتة ( وفي الملبوس والمأكول ) والصحبة ( لا في المجامعة ) كالمحبة بل يستحب ويسقط حقها بمرة ويجب ديانة أحيانا ولا يبلغ الإيلاء إلا برضاها ( الدر المختار: 4 ص 375 )

وقال ابن عابدين: ( قوله ويسقط حقها بمرة ) قال في الفتح : واعلم أن ترك جماعها مطلقا لا يحل له ، صرح أصحابنا بأن جماعها أحيانا واجب ديانة ، لكن لا يدخل تحت القضاء والإلزام إلا الوطأة الأولى ولم يقدروا فيه مدة ويجب أن لا يبلغ به مدة الإيلاء إلا برضاها وطيب نفسها به ا هـ ( رد المحتار: 4 ص 376 )

[ii]  مصنف عبد الرزاق: 7 ص 151 ، الرقم 12593

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