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Question Summary:
He is a great husband, but I dont know why he said that to his own baby, I’m scared now, b/c like us muslim we always say the sky might be open when you say something & it might come true. I know my husband didn’t mean what the told me, but im scared now, what should I do or say so Allah could forgive him & nothing happens to my baby…

Question Detail:

I have a question, me & my husband got in a fight, I'm pregnant, so I was telling him what the doctors told me at the appointment, I was explaining him that the doctor was telling me that there's a new test that they are making, like if theres anything wrong with the baby they will treat him while inside of me, I was telling him that she even told me that there's couple that they terminate there pregnancy if there's something wrong with the baby, b/c they dont want their kid to suffer when he is born, but i wasnt telling him that i wanna do the test, all i was telling him what the doctor told me, so after 1hr he got mad at me at something, & he started yelling at me, then he said that he wishes the baby inside of me will come out not normal b/c thats what I deserve, He is a great husband, but I dont know why he said that to his own baby, I'm scared now, b/c like us muslim we always say the sky might be open when you say something & it might come true. I know my husband didn't mean what the told me, but im scared now, what should I do or say so Allah could forgive him & nothing happens to my baby InshALLAH.

Answer :

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
Assalaamu `alaykum waRahmatullahi Wabarakatoh
The statements your husband made were in the state of anger. We are sure that, as a father, he will also be regretting the statements he made and will hope for the well-being of the child.
As far as the effect of the statements he has made are concerned, it is true that there are certain times where duas are accepted without any delay, but there is also a greater possibility that he may not have made the statements at that time.
Moreover, the doors of dua are still not closed. You could keep on making dua for the well-being and piety of your child at all times. The chances of you making dua at the time of acceptance are far greater than the chances that your husband statements would have been made during the time of acceptance.
And Allah knows best
Ml. Abu Yahya,
Student Darul Iftaa

Checked and Approved by:
Mufti Ebrahim Desai
Darul Iftaa, Madrassah In'aamiyyah

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