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Question Summary:
Fatwa confirmation for Sealskinz socks.

Question Detail:

These are some of the messages that are doing the rounds  - together with my responses in bold.
1.       “The product is not jaaiz because it is impermissible to kill Seals “ – 
(the product is NOT made with any animal skin – only wool is used.)
2.  Slms, I received this from Mufti Motara’s son with regards to the seal skinz & reef moza's:
Some mufti's have sanctioned it and we respect their views. However, someone took both the Reef and Sealskin socks to India last year and showed it to Mufti Farooq of Meerut, who said that it is not permissible to make masah on these socks. Mufti Farooq asked the opinion of other Mufti's as well and they all said that it was not permissible. Mufti Khanpuri said that he will not forbid someone from making masah on them but he himself has not used them for masah. Since seeing that Salaah is such an important Ibaadah, it would be advisable to abstain from using these socks for masah especially when so many Mufti's in India did not approve of it,thus creating a doubt about it's validity.
3.       “Also, because the product is no longer made in UK, it is made in China, thats why the quality isn’t good anymore, hence it is not jaaiz” – 
(Sealskinz socks have always been made in the UK and continue to be made in the UK – I have personally visited the factory and made my own sock on the production line. Someone has imported the imitation / fake socks from China and it seems the problem is with those ones)
General Manager
MIS Distributors

Answer :

Assalāmu `alaikum Warahmatullāhi Wabrakatuh,
I refer to your query of even date.
I spent a considerable amount of time in personally examining Sealskinz Socks to ensure that the socks represent the criteria set down by our Illustrious Fuqha for the validity of making masah on leather socks.
My fatwa is only on the sealskinz product distributed by MIS Distributors. I did not see the Reef socks or imitation product of the sealskinz from China.
I confirm having reviewed my previous fatwa on sealskinz and still maintain the same view.
Attached in my previous fatwa.
Muftī Ebrahim Desai
35 Candella Rd, Durban, South Africa

Q) What is your view regarding making Masah on Sealskinz socks. Do they fulfil the sharii requirement of masah?

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
Assalaamu `alaykum waRahmatullahi Wabarakatoh
In order for it to be permissible to wipe on non-leather socks, it is imperative to fulfil all the conditions of leather socks.  After thoroughly studying the inherent qualities of leather socks, our illustrious Fuqaha suggest that non-leather socks should resemble leather socks in the following:
1.      They should entirely cover both the ankles.
2.      They should be durable enough that a person can walk with the sock for three miles without them tearing.
3.      Both socks should independently be free from holes to the extent of three small toes.
4.      The socks should remain on the leg without it being tied or fastened.
5.      They should be such that water does not seep through them.
[Al Mabsoot lil Sarakhsi (1/18, 184 Dar al Fikr), Al Muheet al Burhani (1/343, Al Majlis al Ilmi), Ahkam al Quran lil Jassaas (3/440, Dar al Kutub al Ilmiyyah), Tuhfa al Mulook (1/33, Dar al Bashaair al Islamiyyah), Majma al Anhur (1/75, Dar al kutub al Ilmiyyah), Al Bahr ar raaiq (1/191, 192 Dar al Ma’rifah), Tabyeen al haqaaiq 1/52 Dar al kutub al Ilmiyyah), Al Fatawa al Hindiyyah (1/32, Dar al fikr), Ad Dur al Mukhtaar (1/269, Dar al fikr), Tuhfa al Ahwadhi (1/278, Dar al kutub al Ilmiyyah), Al Maslak adh Dhaki (1/29, Wajidi Publishers), Fatawa Mahmoodiyyah (5/195, Farooqiyyah), Fatawa Haqqaniyyah (2/216, Dar al Uloom Haqqaniyyah), Kifayah al Mufti (2/321, Farouqiyyah, Fatawa Darul Uloom Zakariyyah (1/509-5516, Zam Zam Publishers)
(كتاب الحجة علي أهل المدينة – (ج 1 / ص 44 عالم الكتب)ينبغي لمن قاس علي السنة و الآثار أن يقيس علي السنة ما لم يأت فيه أثر لما قد جاءت فيه الآثار مما يشبهه
 (بداية المجتهد- (ج 1 / ص 52 دار الاسلام)  و من صح عنده الأثر أو جوز القياس علي الخف أجاز المسح علي الجوربين
 شرح فتح القدير - (ج 1 / ص 157 دار الفكر)لا شك أن المسح على الخف على خلاف القياس فلا يصلح إلحاق غيره به إلا إذا كان بطريق الدلالة وهو أن يكون في معناه ومعناه الساتر لمحل الفرض الذي هو بصدد متابعة المشي فيه في السفر وغيره للقطع بأن تعليق المسح بالخف ليس لصورته الخاصة بل لمعناه للزوم الحرج في النزع المتكرر في أوقات الصلاة خصوصا مع آداب السير
We have personally examined ‘sealskinz’ socks and are satisfied that they fulfil all the above-mentioned conditions. One can refer to their website to see the full durability of these socks. Hence, it is permissible to use ‘sealskinz’ socks as leather socks and make masah on them.
And Allah knows best
Checked and Approved by:
Mufti Ebrahim Desai

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