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Question Summary:
Darul Iftaa will be taking urgent questions which will be answered by our house mufti. Should you have any questions pertaining to the month of Ramadhan, which needs urgent attention please email us.

Question Detail:

1. What should be done with a lost and found item if one picks it up? I've heard that you have to look for the owner for one  year and then give it in sadaqah, is this true? can you keep the item?

2. What is the hukm of a person who misses three consecituve jumaa's without a valid reason?

Answer :

Assalāmu `alaikum Warahmatullāhi Wabrakatuh,
Mufti Ebrahim Desai Saheb is out of  country. InshAllah he will be returning after Ramadhan. We request you to kindly re-send your email after Ramadhan.
Darul Iftaa will be taking urgent questions which will be answered by our house mufti. Should you have any questions pertaining to the month of Ramadhan, which needs urgent attention please email us.
Jazak Allah Khair,
35 Candella Rd, Durban, South Africa

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