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Question Summary:
Could you please explain in detail all the sunna formalities one muslim should follow in a bath room / toilet .

Question Detail:

Could you please explain in detail all the sunna formalities one muslim should follow in a bath room / toilet .  We live in Dubai in a one bed flat where we have one small bath room containing one shower with shower tray for bath, one basin and one European style closet.  Most of the activities like brushing, urinating, passing tools, ablution, bathing, etc.  we must do in this small area.  In addition to your answer kindly note the following queries also. 
   While entering ---Dua, purpose may be passing tool or ablution or bath etc.  While brushing teeth/ miswak- all procedures..... Proceedure while passing urine or stool , regarding ablution- before bath or after bath....dikr relating ablution in the same area etc. differences between ablution and a bath?  A mere bath is having some dikr or niyyah,  while making a janabath bath , ablution is necessary before janabath bath?fiqh differences if any are there, Mere bathing is enough for validating Salah etc if we are in Janabath position....
 As per shafi fiqh just after bath while towelling or drying the body we may touch our private area, at that time again we need to take ablution,  Dressing or using some clothes while taking ablution or bath, Direction of Qibla issue, In a closed bath room Qibla direction is important or not,  Bathing using Shower tape , Reciting necessary dikr or Dua at the time of ablution, what we must do in a toilet if some quranic verses coming to our mind, may involvement of Shaitaan,  Once ablution is okay if he doesn"t take any ablution before bath for janabath but he simply made a bath, Is it necessary to use an asian or Indian type closet for passing stool Usage of Sliper/chappal, covering head etc , Usage of soap etc. in stool passed area or mere hands are enough soaping..While sex with wife . male used wifes thigh area...and only husband discharged semon.....at that time wife should also take a bath or notwhile exiting the toilet..

Answer :

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
Assalaamu `alaykum waRahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
One should enter the toilet with the left foot and the following dua should be recited:
صحيح البخارى 142 مسلم 857
عن عبد العزيز بن صهيب قال سمعت أنسا يقول كان النبى - صلى الله عليه وسلم - إذا دخل الخلاء قال « اللهم إنى أعوذ بك من الخبث والخبائث »
“O Allah I seek refuge in you from the male and female evil jinn”
(Bukhari 142 Muslim 857)
This dua (prayer) should be made before entering the toilet.
 Fathul Bari (1/195) and Alarf al Shazi (1/7) Shami (1/109)
When leaving the toilet one should exit with the right foot and the following dua should be recited:
سنن ابن ماجه 320
عن أنس بن مالك قال كان النبى -صلى الله عليه وسلم- إذا خرج من الخلاء قال « الحمد لله الذى أذهب عنى الأذى وعافانى ».
“All praise is for Allah who has removed the difficulty
and has granted me relieve” (Ibn Maja 320)
Nabi صلى الله عليه و سلم said:
عن عبد الرحمن سمعت أبا هريرة - رضى الله عنه - أن رسول الله - صلى الله عليه وسلم - قال « لولا أن أشق على أمتى لأمرتهم بالسواك » صحيح البخارى - 7240
“Had I not feared it being difficult on my Ummah I would have ordered them to make miswak (i.e. I would have made it compulsory.)” (Bukhari 7240)
Miswak has many benefits. The smallest benefit is it removes illness and the greatest benefit is it reminds one of Shahada at the time of death. The best miswak is that of the Arak and then that of the olive. The method of using the miswak is one should use it horizontally. If a miswak is not available one could use his finger. If a female is unable to use a miswak she could suffice on chewing on it.
حاشية رد المحتار - (ج 1 / ص115)
The procedure of ghusl (bath) is to begin by washing the hands, then to wash the private parts. Thereafter wash any impurity on the body, then make a complete wudhu (ablution) and finally to end by passing water over the entire body thrice.
حاشية رد المحتار - (ج 1 / ص157)

It is be permissible to recite duas in a situation where the bathroom and toilet is together if there is no visible impurity.  
A bath (ghusl) refers to washing the entire body whereas ablution refers to washing certain organs only.
In taking a bath, it is not a condition to make niyyah. If one makes a niyyah, for example my body has a right over me which I am fulfilling, then he would be rewarded accordingly.
While taking a jananba bath, one will make ablution after washing hands, then wash all impurities which may be on the body.
Whilst taking a bath one should also make ablution. However, if he did not do so then a mere bath will suffice for validating salah if the organs which ought to be washed in ablution are washed.
In a closed bathroom too, one should not face qibla direction.
Whilst showering, one should not recite the duas verbally.
Whilst in the toilet, if Quranic verses involuntarily comes to ones mind then there is no problem with this.
One may use an Asian or Indian type closet but should ensure no slashes splash on his clothes or body.
It is mandoob (preferable) to use a sandal and cover ones head when in the closet.
Whilst cleaning ones self, using the hands are sufficient.
Ghusl becomes compulsory on the meeting of the private organs.
All the above is based on the Hanafi madhab. For Shafi’e rulings you should refer to a Shafi’e scholar.
And Allah knows best
Ml. Ishaq E. Moosa,
Student Darul Iftaa

Checked and Approved by:
Mufti Ebrahim Desai
Darul Iftaa, Madrassah In'aamiyyah

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