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I want to know about “AQIQA” .Two of my brothers `AQIQA was left due to some financial problem.
Now,they are jobiers and we want t o perform their AQIQA but our relatives either aborad or very far.
It is difficulte for us to send /give them their share. My Father  run a school ,where  children belong to different families study .They are not only from poor families but also from rich families.
Is it possible to distribute the share of relatives and “masaakin” to them in the coocking form.please answer.

Answer :

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
As-salāmu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuh.
Aqiqa is mustahab (commendable and desirable). Amongs the practices involved is the practice of slaughtering two sheep in the case of a baby boy or one sheep in the case of a baby girl. (If a person is financially unable to slaughter two sheep for his son, slaughtering one sheep will suffice.[1]
It is permissible to perform Aqiqa on behalf of those adults whose Aqiqa was not performed in childhood.  It is mustahab to perform Aqiqa on the 7th day after the birth of the child. If this is not possible then on the 14th day. If this too is not possible then on the 21st day so on and so forth.[2] The following example illustrates a simple way to calculate this:
E.g: Zaid is born on a Friday; his Aqiqa should be performed on the subsequent Thursday. (He was born on Friday so Friday to Thursday = 7 days). If this is not possible then the subsequent Thursday and so on.[3]
It is permissible to cook the meat before giving it to the recipients.[4] The parents, grandparents, uncles, aunts etc of the child are permitted to eat the meat. It is also permissible to give the meat to the students in your fathers’ school.[5]
And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best
Saanwal ibn Muhammad,
Student Darul Iftaa

Checked and Approved by,
Mufti Ebrahim Desai Saheb


[1] كفاية المفتي، ج8، ص242، دار الاشاعت


[2] فتاوى رحيمية، ج10، ص60- 66، دار الاشاعت


[3] Aap kay masaail aur unka hal, vol: 5, pg: 203, waheedi kutub khaana.

[4] كفاية المفتي، ج8، ص239، دار الاشاعت


[5] كفاية المفتي، ج8، ص241، دار الاشاعت

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