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Question Resumbitted: Originally submitted on 14 -Jun-2008
Assalaamu alaikkum ( varah),
I am mujeebur Rahman from chennai, Tamil nadu , India. and working as software professional in a company called Cognizant Technology solution. We are doing development/maintanence  and supporting projects to various clients of Banks, Healthcare, Logistics and Telecom.
I have been assigned to do maintanence /support for the project called Raboshop of Rabobank. This is an electronic procurement  shop application of Rabobank. Now i have been promoted to look after various other projects of Rabobank.
Also i am responsible to build , mentor and motivate the team which i am leading right now on the technologies and other soft skills.
Kindly let me know whether i can continue this job as i am managing/supports projects of Rabobank ( The Netherlands). This bank is a consortium, co-operative banks majorly to take care of agriculture of The netherlands.
Whether this is permitted for me to work in this role.
May ALLAH accept all your efforts & deeds as well as enitire muslim world.
Thanks & regards
Mujeebur Rahman
India, 919444871317, mailto: jmrahman@yahoo.com

Answer :

Assalamu Alaikum

Please send us more information about your job description. What exactly do you do in the company.


Darul Iftaa - Camperdown

P.S Pls include the original question in your reply.

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