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Question Summary:
1) if u know one of your friends is doing something wrong and you have tried to conenience them its wrong but they dont listen…. 2) should a muslim live in fear all there life. 3) when i try to repent i hear some kinda voice in me telling me that like im just doing it for the sake of lying to my self.

Question Detail:

1- if u know one of your friends is doing something wrong and you have tried to conenience them its wrong but they dont listen.
 should you tell on them to there parent n get them busted . becausei heard ) من ستر علي مسلما ستر لله عليه في لدينا  الاخره )
 and if i dont say . but i still know would i get a sin. n if her parents find out , they will ask me why didnt i say anything. what should i respond.
2- should a muslim live in fear all there life. because i started to feel like that n i cant sleep n i keep thinking about death.

3- when i try to repent i hear some kinda voice in me telling me that  like im just doing it for the sake of lying to my self. i mean i hear someone is telling me that. if its the shytan how can i stop it. n i really try hard .

Answer :

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Assalaamu `alaykum waRahmatullahi Wabarakatoh
1.       The Hadith quoted by you refers to concealing the faults of others only if the intention of the person is to defame and degrade the individual. If the intention is to help and assist the person, one will not fall under the ambit of the Hadith. In fact one will be rewarded for sincerely helping a person from abstaining from wrong. Therefore if a person reports bad behaviour or habits of a child to his/her parent, he/she will not be guilty of exposing a person’s sin. It is also advisable that parents request responsible seniors of the community to keep a watchful eye on their children and report any misconduct or wrongs. This will enhance the moral fibre of our society and the young will always be on their guard from becoming involved in any sin or mischief.
2.       Rasulullah (salallahu alayhi wasallam) said “Imaan is between fear and hope”. A believer is found in between these two conditions. Sometimes he is motivated by fear and sometimes by hope. Imaam Nawawi Rahimahullah states that a person should be governed by the fear of Allah whilst he/she is young and has the ability to commit sin. Similarly, a person should be dominated by the hope of Allah’s forgiveness when one becomes old and frail. It is a sign of true Imaan to be concerned of death and life after death. However, it is important that you strike a balance between your concern for death and life. You should continue with your life as normal and fulfil all your obligations to Allah and the creation. Your concern for death should lead you to a point where you become totally absorbed in this worry that you neglect your other duties to Allah and the creation. Sometimes Shaytaan uses these types of thoughts and whispers to mislead a person. It is therefore imperative that you identify a pious Alim who has benefited from other Ulama and take his guidance on issues such as these. You should not employ your own logic and believe that you on the correct path. Consult with the Ulama and let them guide you on every step of your spiritual strives.
3.       As mentioned in 2 above, Shaytaan manipulates ones mind by injecting all these types of peculiar feelings and perceptions. Ignore all these voices and sounds and continue with your normal practice of performing Salaah, reciting the Quraan, Zikr etc. We reiterate that you should seek a spiritual guide who would assist you in these dilemmas.
And Allah knows best
Muhammed Zakariyya Desai,
Assistant Mufti

Checked and Approved by:
Mufti Ebrahim Desai
Darul Iftaa, Madrassah In'aamiyyah

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