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Question Summary:
1. i was given a platinum diamond ring as my wedding ring,i know platinum is haram for men so what i would like to know is can i resell the ring back to jewelers and use the

Question Detail:

1. i was given a platinum diamond ring as my wedding ring,i know platinum is haram for men so what i would like to know is can i resell the ring  back to jewelers and use the money to buy a silver ring which is permissable? if not what do i do with it. 
2. alhumdalillah i pray my 5 times sallah but for asar and isha i dont dont pray the 4 sunnah prayers and also 2 sunnah for isha. is it sinful if i dont pray those sunnah prayers?
3. i have recently come back from india and noticed that sufism is practices alot there,i was encouraged to become a murid of a pioused man but because i didnt  know much about it i didnt  become one. my question is,is it permissable to become a murid as my belief is that when u want something,always ask allah directly and no one else.if permissable,how do i choose someone?and what are the benefits? jazakallah,i hope you can answer my questions

Answer :

Muhtaram ,

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Assalaamu `alaykum waRahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
1) You are correct in saying that it is not permissible for men to wear platinum ring.[i] In fact, it is also not permissible for a woman to wear a platinum ring.[ii] A woman may only wear a silver or gold ring, whereas a man may only wear a silver ring.[iii]
It is permissible to sell the platinium ring and purchase another ring.
Alternatively you may get the ring silver plated as it would then be permissible for you to wear it (or sell it if you wish).[iv]
2) May Allah keep you steadfast in the daily salat. The four rak’aat sunnah before the Asr salat is sunnah ghair mu’akkada (non-emphasized sunnah).[v] It means that if a person does not offer this sunnah he will not be sinning.[vi] But the person who offers it will be greatly rewarded. Rasulullah (Sallallaahu Alaihi Wa Sallam) said:
رحم الله امرأ صلى قبل العصر أربعا
“May Allah grant mercy to the person who offers four rak’aat before the Asr salat.” [vii]
(Tirmidhi, Abu Dawud, Musnad Ahmad, Sahih Ibn Khuzaimah, Sahih Ibn Hibban)
The two rak’aat sunnah after Isha salat are mu’akkada (emphasized), and hence, not to be missed without a valid excuse. Making a habit of missing sunnah mu’akkadah without an excuse amounts to sinning, and according to some jurists, is close to haraam and may deprive the person of the intercession of Rasulullah (Sallallaahu Alaihi Wa Sallam).[viii] The four rak’aat before Isha, however, are sunnah ghair mu’akkadah.
3) The purpose of Tasawwuf is to reform oneself to the extent of being compliant to Shari’ah in every aspect of life and gaining closeness to Allah. This injunction is replete in the Qur’aan and Ahaadith. If one is able to reform him/herself, then the purpose is achieved. However, generally, a person experiences difficulties in reforming himself and he requires the assistance of an expert to assist him in the reformation process. In order to achieve that, he takes Bai'at as an expression of determination and submission to obey. His spiritual guide then takes it upon himself to guide his Mureed and the Mureed undertakes to obey. Therefore the purpose of Bai' at is at most an administrative matter to achieve maximum benefit and results. It is not Shirk. However, we advise, you should exercise caution in choosing your Shaykh. Apart from him excelling in Taqwa, piety and having the expertise to reform, you too must be comfortable with him and his procedure. You must be able to relate to him and be able to benefit. For that we propose you first keep Islaahi relationship and qualify that with Bai'at later only after you are satisfied.
When choosing a Shaykh one should keep in mind that a qualified Shaykh is one who has full knowledge and experience in spiritual ailments, attributes of vice and virtue, their characteristics and effects. He is able to distinguish between the subtle differences in the spiritual condition of his disciples. He has the ability to devise plans and prescribe prescriptions for the acquisition of virtuous attributes and elimination of vicious attributes. He is acquainted with the hazards and ploys of the Nafs and shaytan.
In brief, a qualified Shaykh should:

  • Possess the necessary knowledge of Deen acquired by academic pursuit and / or companionship under the tutelage of pious Ulama.
  • Be a deputy (Khalifa) of another qualified Shaykh who granted him permission to guide others in the spiritual realm.
  • Maintain an upright and pious character.
    And Allah Ta'ala Knows Best (M2)

    Wassalamu Alaykum

    Mufti Ebrahim Desai
    Darul Iftaa, Madrassah In'aamiyyah
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    [i]  ( ولا يتختم ) إلا بالفضة لحصول الاستغناء بها فيحرم ( بغيرها كحجر )... ( وذهب وحديد وصفر ) ورصاص وزجاج وغيرها ( الدر المختار: ج 9 ص 593 دار المعرفة )

    [ii]  والتختم بالحديد والصفر والنحاس والرصاص مكروه للرجل والنساء ( رد المحتار: ج 9 ص 594 )

    [iii] Bashishti Zewar vol. 1 pg. 410

    [iv]  لا بأس بأن يتخذ خاتم حديد قد لوي عليه فضة وألبس بفضة حتى لا يرى ( رد المحتار: ج 9 ص 595 )

    [v] Bahishti Zewar vol. 1 pg. 217

    [vi]  فلا فرق بين النفل وسنن الزوائد من حيث الحكم لأنه لا يكره ترك كل منهما ( رد المحتار: ج 1 ص 230 )

    [vii]  رواه أبو داود والترمذي وأحمد في مسنده وابن خزيمة وابن حبان في صحيحهما عن ابن عمر ( انظر نصب الراية: ج 2 ص 139 )

    [viii]  وحكمها ما يؤجر على فعله ويلام على تركه ( الدر المختار: ج 1 ص 231 )

    وفي الشامية: ( قوله : ويلام ) أي يعاتب بالتاء لا يعاقب ، كما أفاده في البحر والنهر ، لكن في التلويح ترك السنة المؤكدة قريب من الحرام يستحق حرمان الشفاعة ، لقوله عليه الصلاة والسلام { : من ترك سنني لم ينل شفاعتي } ا هـ وفي التحرير : إن تاركها يستوجب التضليل واللوم ا هـ والمراد الترك بلا عذر على سبيل الإصرار ( رد المحتار: ج 1 ص 232 )


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