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Question Summary:
1) can a women pray by putting hair bun(juda)? 2) if my child is continously crying and im offering salah can i lift him and offer salah ? 3) what are sunnah, wajibaat ,and fard in namaz?

Question Detail:

1)can a women pray by putting hair bun(juda)?
2)if my child is continously crying and im offering salah can i lift him and offer salah ?if im in haram at that time he starts crying continously by listening loud voice this may disturb others so can i lift him or pat his back?
3)what are sunnah, wajibaat ,and fard in namaz?like it is fard in nanz that the body should be clean, place should be clean.......please describe it and also when to do sajde sahw?

Answer :

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
Assalaamu `alaykum waRahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
1) It is permissible for a woman to perform salat with a hair bun as long as her hair is completely covered during salat.
2) In principle, according to the Hanafi Madhab, aml-e-katheer (excessive actions) invalidates the salat. Aml-e-katheer takes place when both hands are being used for an action not inclusive in salat at once, for example, if one adjusts his topi using both hands at the same time, or if one hand is used three or more times in a rukn (posture) of salat. Therefore, if one holds a child in salat, aml-e-katheer is likely to occur (for example, if one puts the child down or picks him up while in salat with both hands), and that would invalidate the salat.
It is best to leave the child at home with the mother. This way you will not have to worry about him while praying salat in the masjid. Not only would it be a distraction to you, but to other worshippers as well. If it is not possible to leave the child with the mother, then it will be permissible to pray salat while carrying him out of necessity. However, if aml-e-katheer occurs at any time in salat, then the prayer will be invalid.  
فأما حمل الصبي بدون الإرضاع فلا يوجب فساد الصلاة
 لما روي : [ أن النبي صلى الله عليه و سلم كان يصلي في بيته وقد حمل أمامة بنت أبي العاص على عاتقه فكان إذا سجد وضعها وإذا قام رفعها ] ثم هذا الصنيع لم يكره منه صلى الله عليه و سلم لأنه كان محتاجا إلى ذلك لعدم من يحفظها أو لبيانه الشرع بالفعل أن هذا غير موجب فساد الصلاة ومثل هذا في زماننا أيضا لا يكره لواحد منا لو فعل ذلك عند الحاجة أما بدون الحاجة فمكروه
(Badaai' Al-Sanai', Vol. 1, P. 553, Darul kutub Deoband)
إذا حك ثلاثاً في ركن واحد ، تفسد صلاته ، هذا إذا رفع يده في كل مرة ، أما إذا لم يرفع في كل مرة ، فلا تفسد . و لو كان الحك مرةً واحدةً ، يكره ، كذا في الخلاصة.
(Fatawa Alamgiree, Vol. 1, P. 104, Rashidiyya)
(Fathul Mulhim, Vol. 3, P. 387-388, Darul Alqa, Dimashq)
3) This will be divided into five parts:
   a) Conditions before salat
   b) Fard in salat
   c) Wajibs in salat
   d) Sunnats in salat
   e) Sajda Sahw
a) There are eight conditions for salat:
   1-To perform wudu if necessary
   2-To make ghusl if necessary
   3-Taharah (purity) of the entire body and clothing
   4-Taharah of the place where salat will be performed
   5-To face the Qibla
   6-Covering the satr (from the navel to the knees for men)
   7-Intention of salat
   8-Performing salat in their prescribed times
b) There are six faraaid in salat:
   1-Takbeer Tahreemah (opening takbeer)
   2-Qiyaam (standing position)
   3-Qira'ah (recitation of at least one long ayah or three short ayahs of the Quran)
   6-Qa'dah Akheerah (Sitting at the end so one can recite tashahhud)
c) There are fourteen waajibaat in salat:
   1-To recite qira'ah in the first two raka'h of the fard salat
   2-To recite Sura Al-Fatihah in all the rak'ah of every salat except in the third and fourth raka'h of a fard salat
   3-To recite a surah, one long ayah, or three short ayahs after Sura Al-Fatiha in the first two rak'ah of the fard salat and in all of the rak'ah of wajib, sunnah, and nafl salats
   4-To recite Sura Al-Fatiha before the sura, long ayah, or three short ayahs
   5-To maintain the order between qira'ah, ruku, sajdah, and raka'h
   6-Qaumah (standing after ruku)
   7-Jalsah (sitting between the two sajdas)
   8-To perform salat with tranquility
   9-Observing qa'dah oola (sitting and saying tashahhud after two rakats in the prayers which are three or four raka'h)
   10-To recite tashahhud in both sittings
   11-For the imam to recite qira'ah loudly during maghrib, isha, fajr, jumma, eid prayers, taraweeh, and all three raka'h of witr in Ramadan
   13-To say takbeer for qunoot in witr salat and to recite dua-e-qunoot
   14-To say six additional takbeers in both eid salats
d) There are twenty-one sunnats in salat:
   1-To raise the hands up to the ears before saying takbeer-e-tahreemah
   2-While raising the hands for takbeer, keep the fingers of both hands raised and the palms facing the Qibla
   3-Not to bend the head when saying takbeer
   4-The saying of takbeer-e-tahreemah and other takbeers loud by the imam according to the need, while going from one rukn (posture) to the other
   5-To fold the right hand over the left below the navel
   6-Reciting thanna
   7-To recite ta'awwuz
   8-To recite tasmiyya
   9-To recite only Sura Al-Fatiha in the third and fourth raka'h of the fard salat
   10-To say ameen softly after Sura Al-Fatiha
   11-To recite thanna, ta'awwuz, tasmiyya, and ameen softly
   12-To recite as much qira'ah as is sunnah in every salat
   13-To say tasbeeh at least three times each in ruku' and in sajda
   14-To keep the head and back at the same level while holding the knees with fingers of both hands in ruku'
   15-For the imam to say "SamiAllahu Liman Hamida" in qawmah and the followers to say "Rabbana Lakal Hamd" (one performing salat alone should say both)
   16-While going into sajda, first place the knees on the ground, followed by the palms, nose, then forehead
   17-In qa'dah and jalsa position, to place the left foot on the ground horizontally and sitting upon it while raising the right foot vertically so that the toes are facing the qibla. Both palms should rest on the thighs, not the knees.
   18-To raise the index finger of the right hand as one says "Ash haddu Alla Illaha" in tashahhud
   19-To recite Durud in qa'dah akheerah after tashahhud
   20-To recite dua after durud 
   21-To turn the face right first for salaam, then left
e) The method of performing sajda sahw is that after reciting tashahhud in the last raka'h, one should make salaam to the right only then perform two sajdas. Thereafter, recite tashahhud once again, followed by durud and dua. Make both salaams thereafter to end the salat.
(Ta'leem Al-Haq, P. 111-123, Da'watul Haq)
And Allah knows best
Ml. Asif Umar,
Student Darul Iftaa

Checked and Approved by:
Mufti Ebrahim Desai
Darul Iftaa, Madrassah In'aamiyyah

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