Question Summary: Masbooq Recites Durood and Qamees with Collar Question Detail:
1. If a masbooq reads durood sharif in the last sitting of the imam, does he need to do sajdah sahw after finishing his own three/four rakats? For example, if I miss 1 rakat of maghrib, then in the last sitting of the imam (which would be my second rakat) if I read durood sharif by mistake, do I need to do sajdah sahaw in my last sitting? 2. I have heard some brothers saying that it is better to avoid a qamees or kurta which has a collar as it is imitation of the kuffar. They said they have heard some ulama mention this. Could you kindly clarify if this is the case, and if the collar has any mention in the Islamic texts. In case it is imitation of the kuffar and hence better to avoid, could you kindly explain this as in my understanding imitation is prohibitted for those things which are known/recognized as being related to a particular religion, whereas I have not heard of the collar as being particular to any religion.
Answer :
In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. As-salāmu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuh. 1). No, you do not have to make Sajdah Sahw.[1] 2). It is permissible to wear a qamees with a collar.[2] And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best Hisham Dawood Student, Darul Iftaa Chicago, USA Checked and Approved by, Mufti Ebrahim Desai.
فإن سها المؤتم لم يلزم الإمام و لا المؤتم السجود (الهداية، باب سجود السهو)
المسبوق إذا قعد مع الإمام كيف يفعل اختلفوا فيه والصحيح أنه يترسل في التشهد حتى يفرغ من التشهد عند سلام الإمام (فتاوى قاضي خان، فصل في الترتيب و قضاء المتروكات)
تحفة العلماء لمولانا أشرف علي التهانوي ج-٢ ص-١٢٩
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