Question Summary: I would just like to know whether whilst gaining the consent of his daughter, a wali needs to have two witnesses present and whether they must actually HEAR the consent given… Question Detail:
I would just like to know whether whilst gaining the consent of his daughter, a wali needs to have two witnesses present and whether they must actually HEAR the consent given because when a father went to the Imam of a Masjid who was performing the nikah, the Imam addressed the two witnesses and asked whether they had heard the daughter give her consent. As they had not heard the daughter give consent but had taken the fathers word and were also aware through their families that the daughter was in agreement, they answered yes despite not being present when the consent was given. Please reply informing us whether this nikah is valid
Answer :
In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful Assalaamu `alaykum waRahmatullahi Wabarakatoh If the daughter is not yet baligha (physically matured), the father will have the right to marry her without her consent. If the daughter is baligha and the father states that the daughter agrees with this marriage, then too the marriage will be valid. It is not necessary for the witnesses to hear her giving the consent. In fact, if the daughter is a baligha and a virgin, her verbal consent is not necessary. Her remaining quiet and not objecting to the marriage will be considered as her acceptance. However, due to the current situation in many countries where the father marries off the daughter without her consent and where she is forced into the marriage, as a precaution two people should be made witness to the consent of the daughter. This will also prevent any disputes afterwards if the daughter claims she never gave her consent. Nevertheless, the marriage in question is valid and does not have to be repeated. ( وللولي ) الآتي بيانه ( إنكاح الصغير والصغيرة ) جبرا ( ولو ثيبا ) كمعتوه ومجنون شهرا ( ولزم النكاح ولو بغبن فاحش ) بنقص مهرها وزيادة مهره ( أو ) زوجها ( بغير كفء إن كان الولي ) المزوج بنفسه بغبن ( أبا أو جدا ) وكذا المولى وابن المجنونة ( لم يعرف منهما سوء الاختيار ) مجانة وفسقا ( وإن عرف لا ) يصح النكاح اتفاقا الدر المخار على هامش رد المحتار (3/65) مصطفى البابي الحلبي ( ولا تجبر البالغة البكر على النكاح ) لانقطاع الولاية بالبلوغ ( فإن استأذنها هو ) أي الولي وهو السنة ( أو وكيله أو رسوله أو زوجها ) وليها وأخبرها رسوله أو الفضولي عدل ( فسكتت ) عن رده مختارة ( أو ضحكت غير مستهزئة أو تبسمت أو بكت بلا صوت ) فلو بصوت لم يكن إذنا ولا ردا حتى لو رضيت بعده انعقد سراج وغيره ، فما في الوقاية والملتقى فيه نظر ( فهو إذن ) الدر المخار على هامش رد المحتار (3/59) مصطفى البابي الحلبي واعلم أنه لا تشترط الشهادة على الوكالة بالنكاح بل على عقد الوكيل ، وإنما ينبغي أن يشهد على الوكالة إذا خيف جحد الموكل إياها فتح رد المحتار (3/95) مصطفى البابي الحلبي And Allah knows best Wassalam Ml. Ehzaz Ajmeri,
Student Darul Iftaa Checked and Approved by: Mufti Ebrahim Desai
Darul Iftaa, Madrassah In'aamiyyah