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Question Summary:
as an infant my aunt breastfed me a few times. weather it was 5 times im not sure. the one who shared with me and anyone younger than her is my mahram. so i am asking if i can nikah with her or not. please help.

Question Detail:

    my question has to do with ridayee brother hood. i have asked many imams most have said that the nikah is fine. but some one from the girls side of the family asked in pakistan and got a diffrent answer so i want to make 100% sure. as an infant my aunt breastfed me a few times. weather it was 5 times im not sure. she has 9 children. in the middle of the children she has two daughters. on who is 20 days older than me but shared the milk with me. one who is older than me by more than a year. i want to marry the girl who is older than me. everyone who i have asked said that since she is older she is not my mahram. the one who shared with me and anyone younger than her is my mahram. so i am asking  if i can nikah with her or not. please help.

Answer :

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
Assalaamu `alaykum waRahmatullahi Wabarakatoh
When your aunt breastfed you, she becomes your milk-mother. Hence, her daughters are all your milk-sisters. A person is not allowed to marry his milk-sister. You cannot make Nikah with her.
And Allah knows best
Mufti M. Kadwa
Darul Iftaa, Madrassah In'aamiyyah

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