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Question Summary:
A year ago I had my engagement with my cousin. In the one year I fell in love with another girl and that girl also loves me. I want marry that girl and tell my family but family refuses my requst and forced me to marry with my cousin.

Question Detail:

dear sir,
A year ago I had my engagement with my cousin. In the one year I fell in love with another girl and that girl also loves me. I want marry that girl and tell my family  but family refuses my requst and forced me to marry with my cousin. Sir, tell me islamic point of view what i can do?

Answer :

Assalāmu `alaikum Warahmatullāhi Wabrakatuh,
If you are engaged to your cousin but you are inclined to another girl, you should not marry you cousin by force. It is not correct for your family to force you to marry your cousin. It is also unfair to your cousin.
Shariah has advised to marry if there is inclination and compatibility. That is why Shariah advised one to see the girl he intends to marry. Inclination leads to love and harmony, which is foundation of a successful marriage. If there is no inclination, to your cousin, how will there be love in the marriage especially when you are inclined to someone else. Such an attitude could be harmful in a marriage. If your family does not understand your point of view, seek the assistance of some influential people and make them explain to your family.
And Allah Ta'āla Knows Best,
Muftī Ebrahim Desai
35 Candella Rd, Durban, South Africa


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