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Question Summary:
My question is now we(both side) understand it was a miss understanding. Is the divorce occur as i told my witness i didnot do this with my wish but under pressure. If so, Am I allow in Islam to get Nikka with her or i cannot??

Question Detail:

I  am a Pakistan Citizen,  I moved ireland when i was 19. Before I moved Ireland I got engage with the girl I like . My family took the purposel and they accept it. Our engagement stay 4 years. After this we fulfill the Islamic requirment to do nikka Three years ago.

Recently we did come across with very hugh miss understanding and thinks end up asking me to sign divorce with all sort of pressure. I did told my witness i am not agree to do so but under pressure i am doing this. When i rang them to clearfy myself ..they asked me to say her in word that i did free her which i refused.
Now my only question is now we(both side) understand it was a miss understanding. Is the divorce occur as i told my witness i didnot do this with my wish but under pressure. If so, Am I allow in Islam to get Nikka with her or i cannot??

Answer :

·          The Sharée ruling herein given is specifically based on the question posed and should be read in conjunction with the question.

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In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
Assalaamu `alaykum waRahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
1. You did not state the level of pressure when signing the document of divorce. If the pressure was of such a level where a person is forced to such an extent for example, he receives a severe beating or he is imprisoned then under these circumstances if he signs a divorce it will not be valid.
رجل اكره بالضرب و الحبس على ان يكتب طلاق  امراته فلانة بنت فلان فكتب امراته فلانة بنت فلان بن فلان طالق لا تطلق امراته لان الكتابة اقيمت مقام العبارة باعتبار الحاجة و لا حاجة ههنا قاضيخان 1472 على هامش الهندية
2. Nevertheless if you informed your witnesses that you have no intention of divorcing your wife but you are only signing the document to overcome the pressure, then the divorce will not be valid.
3. Once a person explicitly mentions the words of talaaq then talaaq will be valid, but in the situation where a person is pressurised from his wife to issue a talaaq and prior to mentioning talaaq he makes two witnesses that he does not intend to divorce his wife, talaaq will not be valid
رجل قال لامراةه ترا تلاق هاهنا خمسة الفاظ-تلاق تلاغ طلاغ طلاك تلاك عن الشيخ الامام الجليل ابي بكر محمد بن الفضل يقع وان تعمدد وقصد ان لا يقع ولا يصدق قضاء ويصدق ديانة الا اذا اشهد قبل ان يتلفظ به وقال ان امراتي تطلب مني الطلاق ولا ينبغي لي ان اطلقها فااتلفظ بها قطعا لقيلها وتلفظ بها وشهدو بذالك عند الحاكم لا يحكم بالطلاق بينهما
[Fataawa Hindiyah Pg 357 Maktaba Rasheediyah]
And Allah knows best
Ml. Ebrahim Desai,
Student Darul Iftaa

Checked and Approved by:
Mufti Ebrahim Desai
Darul Iftaa, Madrassah In'aamiyyah

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