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Question Summary:
My friend is married with children and fell in love with a girl and married her under a fictatious/ false name

Question Detail:

My friend is married with children and fell in love with  a girl and married her under a fictatious/ false name and fictacious father's name, claiming younger than his age, without disclosing to her previous marriage and kids.  The nikah was done by molana in presence of girls' parents and family and witnesses.   2.  my friend was planning to marry his love for short while  and did not disclose or mention her any time frame. they got divorced after a month.  was this marriage valid or not?  2.  Is such marriage permissible as alternative to zana or not?

Now a lot of people say that marriage was done under false name, therefore, it is fraud.  some say it is valid since girl accepted the guy not the name.   some people say that since he married her for short while he ruined girl's life.  My friend says he paid handsome haq meher and took no dowery.  He cannot keep two wives under law of the country and wanted to save himself from zana and that is why he did marriage.
3. Lot of people from gulf used to go india/ pakistan/ bangladesh and marry poor muslim girls and leave them after few months after paying them haq meher.  there are people who do it every year in two week vacation i.e one marriage/ divorce every year for 5 /6 years.  They claim it is better than zana.  what is islamic view.  is it allowed or prohibtted?
Please anwer each question in detail.  thanks

Answer :

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
Assalaamu `alaykum waRahmatullahi Wabarakatoh
Marriage is a sacred pact in which two people come in a contract to share each their lives together.  The purpose of marriage is not only to fulfill one’s carnal desires in a lawful manner.  This is one of the benefits that are achieved through marriage, but this should not be the only prime focus for getting married.  Also, to issue a divorce for a non-valid reason is also condemned in Shariah. Rasullah (Sallalahu Alaihi Wasallam) has said:
أبغض الحلال إلى الله تعالى الطلاق  (ابو داود)
The most hateful permissible act in the eyes of Allah is Talaq. (Abu Dawood)
In another narration Rasullah (Sallalahu Alaihi Wasallam) has said:
يا معاذ ما خلق الله شيئا على وجه الأرض أحب إليه من العتاق ولا خلق الله شيئا على وجه الأرض أبغض إليه من الطلاق (الدار القطنى)
“O Mu’az, Allah has not created anything more beloved to Him on the face of this earth than freeing of a slave.  And Allah has not created anything more hateful to Him on the face of this earth than Talaq”. (Al-Dar Al-Qutni)
Talaq should not be given for just because one’s carnal desired are fulfilled and is not in need of her anymore.  This is a very shameful and low act to commit.
Regarding your queries
The marriage is valid. One of the conditions of marriage is that both parties must be identified; either by looking at them or by stating their name.  In this case, since the person was present, even though the name was false, the nikah will be valid.  The false name will not affect the marriage contract.
Dar Al-Mukhtar, Rad Al-Muhtar (3:26) H.M. Saeed Company
( غلط وكيلها بالنكاح في اسم أبيها بغير حضورها لم يصح ) للجهالة وكذا لو غلط في اسم بنته إلا إذا كانت حاضرة وأشار إليها فيصح ؛ ولو له بنتان أراد تزويج الكبرى فغلط فسماها باسم الصغرى صح للصغرى خانية (در المختار) ( قوله : إلا إذا كانت حاضرة إلخ ) راجع إلى المسألتين : أي فإنها لو كانت مشارا إليها وغلط في اسم أبيها أو اسمها لا يضر لأن تعريف الإشارة الحسية أقوى من التسمية ، لما في التسمية من الاشتراك لعارض فتلغو التسمية عندها ، كما لو قال اقتديت بزيد هذا فإذا هو عمرو فإنه يصح (رد المحتار)
It is not lawful for you to marry a girl for the purpose of divorcing her in the future.  This resembles the practice of Muta by the Shia.  However, if he makes nikah with this intention, the nikah will be valid and having this intention does not nullify the marriage.  Even if he had made a contract with her that I will marry you for an X amount time, the nikah will be valid and the condition will be void.  It will be considered a normal permanent marriage.
Fatawa Hindiya (1:283) Maktaba Rashidiya
Rad Al-Muhtar (3:51) H.M. Saeed Company
ولو تزوجها مطلقا وفي نيته أن يقعد معها مدة نواها فالنكاح صحيح ، كذا في التبيين ولو تزوجها على أن يطلق بعد شهر فإنه جائز ، كذا في البحر الرائق
(الفتاوى الهندية)
ثم ذكر في الفتح أدلة تحريم المتعة وأنه كان في حجة الوداع وكان تحريم تأبيد لا خلاف فيه بين الأئمة وعلماء الأمصار إلا طائفة من الشيعة ونسبة الجواز إلى مالك كما وقع في الهداية غلط ، ثم رجح قول زفر بصحة المؤقت على معنى أنه ينعقد مؤبدا ويلغو التوقيت ؛ لأن غاية الأمر أن المؤقت متعة وهو منسوخ ، لكن المنسوخ معناها الذي كانت الشريعة عليه وهو ما ينتهي العقد فيه بانتهاء المدة ، فإلغاء شرط التوقيت أثر النسخ
(رد المحتار)

That does not mean Islam encourages such acts.  As mentioned earlier, the purpose of marriage is not only to keep the carnal desires in check.  It is immoral to get married for a short time trying to make it into an alternative for zina.  If one is still not able to control the carnal desires even though he already has a wife, then he should adopt to fasting.  Fasting is a method to control the carnal desires prescribed by Rasullah (Sallalahu Alaihi Wasallam).

يا معشر الشباب من استطاع منكم الباءة فليتزوج ومن لم يستطع فعليه بالصوم فإنه له وجاء  (متفق عليه)
“O youth, How ever from amongst you can get married then he should.  If he is not able to then he should fast for verily fast is a shield for him.” (Bukhari and Muslim)

It is a distressing to hear that many Muslims are involved in such sinful acts of deception and playing with Shariah.  May Allah Ta’ala grant them guidance to abstain from such acts, Ameen.
And Allah knows best
Ml. Ehzaz Ajmeri,
Student Darul Iftaa

Checked and Approved by:
Mufti Ebrahim Desai
Darul Iftaa, Madrassah In'aamiyyah

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