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Question Summary:
Is The Husband Justified In Asking Me To Leave?

Question Detail:

my husband has given me the two talaaqs. now he is asking me to leave the house as well as the kids as he says that i am no longer his wife.. is this justified?

Answer :

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
As-salāmu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuh.
If your question is related to your husband’s instruction to you and your children to leave the home, then the issue will be analyzed according to your husband’s Shar’ee obligations of providing maintenance and shelter for you and his children.
If the children, male and female are minors (Na-Baligh)[1] or an adult female who is unmarried[2], then the father has to provide maintenance and shelter for his minor children.
Accordingly, it is incorrect to instruct the children to leave the home.
If your husband instructed you to leave the home and his intention was to issue you the third divorce, then too he cannot instruct you at this stage to leave the home as you are obliged to spend Iddat in the husband’s home. [3]
Upon the expiry of the iddat, alternative arrangements can be made taking into consideration the shelter for the minor children and the need for the mother to be with the children.
And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best                                           
Ismail Desai,
Student Darul Iftaa
Durban, South Africa

Checked and Approved by,
Mufti Ebrahim Desai.

 1 و نفقة الأولاد الصغار علي الأب لا يشاركه فيها أحد كما لا يشاركه في نفقة الزوجة أحد (مختصر القدوري، ص 164)

و تجب النفقة بأنواعها علي الحر لطفله يعم الأنثي و الجمع الفقير الحر (التنوير مع الدر، ج 3، ص 612، ايج أيم سعيد)

2  و تجب نفقة الابنة البالغة (مختصر القدوري، ص 166)

و كذا تجب لولده الكبير العاجز عن الكسب كأنثي مطلقا (التنوير مع الدر، ج 3، ص ، 614

3  و علي المعتدة أن تعتد في منزل الذي يضاف اليها بالسكني حال وقوع الفرقة (مختصر القدوري، ص 16)

و تجب لمطلقة الرجعي و البائن و الفرقة  (التنوير مع الدر، ج 3، 609)

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