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Question Summary:
Does writing divorce under marital status at the time when you are married constitute a divorce because I just wrote divorces because of my previous divorce status?

Question Detail:

I am a female who got married in September 2010. I live in UK.
Due to some visa problems of my husband I was not able to mention my marriage in some forms that I submitted to the visa office.
For your information, this is my second marriage. I had been divorced from my first marriage. So my marital status at the time of my second marriage was divorced. And as I had been using divorced status under marital status, I still continued using this status though I got married again in Sept 2010.
I wrote divorced under marital status. But now visa problem of my husband has been sorted out and I have sent all my Nikah documents to the relevant office for it to get it registered.
Please my question is does writing divorce under marital status at the time when you are married constitute a divorce because I just wrote divorces because of my previous divorce status.
My current husband never gave me any divorce but I had to use this divorce status in forms due to some visa issues of my husband due to which I could not declare that I am married
Please do advise me.

Answer :

Assalāmu `alaikum Warahmatullāhi Wabrakatuh,
Your declaration of divorce does not constitute a divorce.
And Allah Ta'ala Knows Best,
Muftī Ebrahim Desai
35 Candella Rd, Durban, South Africa


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