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Question Summary:
Is reconciliation necessary if it may lead to further arguments?

Question Detail:

After my father passed away many years ago, my uncles alwaystried to take advantage of myself and my siblings in anything that was benefittingthem, not necessarily in the monetary affairs, but mainly in the worldlyaffairs. As a result of all that, when my siblings and myself, we grew up, overa period of time, the hostility built up and now, we are not having healthyrelations between us. They do not visit us and we do likewise.
However, if I or any of my siblings come across them bychance, we say salaam to them and they reply. We feel bad about the way theydealt with us in the past, but we have forgiven them and I even make dua forthem whenever I visit the Haramain.
I realise that the Prophet of Allah SAW said that Allah willnot forgive those who severe the bond of kinship and it makes me worried.
Is forgiving the other person, a reconciliation that isenough, or reconciliation in person is necessary, because I even do not have aproblem in doing a reconciliation in person, but it may open the doors for somefurther arguments, as they would having their own version of the story, havingissues and complaints against me.
Moreover, at the same time, I also want to prevent myself andmy family in future from the Fitnah they will cause, if we start mixing withthem freely again after reconciling, as staying away from such people would be better, I feelwith the little wisdom that I have.
Please advise what could be the best course of action inthis situation?
If reconciliation in person is required, is it allowed forme then, to reconcile with them and still stay away from them in future?

Answer :

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
As-salāmu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuh.
It would be sufficient for you to maintain basic family ties to avoid confrontation and fitnah.1
And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best
Arshad Ali
Student Darul Iftaa
Checked and Approved by,
Mufti Ebrahim Desai.

1 و من خاف من مكالمة أحد وصلته ما يفسد عليه الدين, أو يدخل مضرة في دنياه يجوز له مجانبته, و البعد عنه, و رب هجر حسن خير من مخالطة مؤذية (بذل المجهود في حل أبي داود)

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