Question Summary: Is it permissible to work in a company which processes pork? Question Detail:
I am working in a meat processing company they process pig meat (pork). Please let me know in detail that my income will be halal or not according to Islamic Law?
Answer :
In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. As-salāmu ‘alaykumwa-rahmatullāhiwa-barakātuh. Your sensitivity to earning Halal is indeed commendable especially considering the fact that you reside in a non-muslim country surrounded by Kufr. As Muslims, we are averse to pig, pork, its products and by products. Any income derived from directly dealing in pork is also forbidden and impermissible. You state that your work is in a meat company that processes pork. What exactly is your job profile? Ismail Desai Student Darul Iftaa Durban, South Africa Checked and Approved by Mufti Ebrahim Desai.
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