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Question Summary:
Is it permissible to study courses by Dr Farhat Hashmi? How to make up years of Qadha Salaah?

Question Detail:

My fiance is currently doing some courses in AL-HUDA , institute run by Dr. Farhat Hashmi , i have serched the internet and came across many people who say she is deviated from her path, is it ok for my fiance to study there or not? 
and another question is if a persons prayers have been missed and he doesnt know how many , like he didnt prayed for 5 years , what should he do?

Answer :

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
As-salāmu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuh.

  • 1.     Below is a fatwa prepared by Mufti Abdul Hannan Nizami (Hafidhahullah) attached with a fatwa issued by Darul Ifta Jami’āh Banoria Karachi with regards to Dr. Farhat Hashmi.  

  • 2.     It is not necessary for a person who has Qada (missed) Salat to remember the exact date when making up for the missed Salat. Ulama suggest that if a person has several years of Qada Salaat and he does not remember the number of Salaat he missed, neither does he remember the time of the Salaats, then it will suffice for a person to merely say in his intention that this is a qada of the first (or last) Salaat he missed. E.g. he should make intention that he is making qada of the first (or last) Zuhar Salaat which he missed. Once the qada of this Salaat is complete, the second Zuhar Salaat which he missed will take the place of the first, and likewise when that is completed the third will now be the first; hence, on every prayer he can merely suffice by saying ‘Ya Allah, I am making the qada of the first (or last) prayer I missed. 
    And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best
    Ismail Dawoodjee
    Student Darul Iftaa

    Checked and Approved by,
    Mufti Ebrahim Desai.

    كثرت الفوائت نوى أول ظهر عليه أو آخره (الدر المختار ج2 ,ص76 سعيد)
    من لا يدري كمية الفوائت يعمل بأكبر رأيه فإن لم يكن له رأي يقض حتى يتيقن أنه لم يبق عليه شيء (حاشية الطحطاوى ,ص41 دار القباء)
    وإذا كثرت الفوائت يحتاج لتعيين كل صلاة فإن أراد تسهيل الأمر عليه نوى أول ظهر عليه أو آخره وكذا الصوم من رمضانين  (نور الإيضاح - ص04 دار القباء)
    Fatwa on Dr. Farhat Hashmi
    In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
    As-salāmu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuh.
    It is permissible for women to benefit from a woman giving bayān and advises if:
    1.      She adheres to the beliefs and the aqā’id of the Ahl-e-Sunnāh Wal Jamā’h.
    2.      She acknowledges taqleed (the following of a Madhab)and also makes taqleed.
    3.      Her thinking and views must be in line with the views and the thinking of our Akābreen (pious predecessors).
    4.      She adheres to the Shari’āh.
    5.      She adheres to the Sunnāhs of Rasullullah Sallallahu Alahi Wa Sallam
    6.      She must be an Alimāh (Islamic scholar) and be a graduate of an institute that is recognized by our Ulamā.
    7.      She consults with the Ulama and the senior people on issues facing her.
    If all the above mentioned conditions are met, it will be permissible for such a woman to teach and advise women on issues regarding Deen. If a woman lacks any of the above conditions, it will not be permissible for her to advise others. Those women who are not Alimāh (Islamic scholars) are not authorized in giving speeches and lectures.
    If a person were to study all the books required to become a doctor without the help of a bona fide teacher, no one will consider such a person to be qualified as a doctor, regardless of how much knowledge that person possess in medicine as there is a strong possibility of making a mistake which could be fatal.
    Shari’āh has emphasized the importance of acquiring knowledge of the Quran and the Hadith and other aspects of Deen. Studying the basic aspects of Deen is Fard (compulsory), as it has been mentioned in the Hadith.
    طَلَبُ الْعِلْمِ فَرِيضَةٌ عَلَى كُلِّ مُسْلِمٍ )سنن ابن ماجه (1/ 81)
    “Acquiring knowledge is binding upon every Muslim.” (Sunan Ibn Majah 1/81)
    This obligation refers to both, males and females. However, one must be very cautious from whom he acquires his/her knowledge. It is mentioned in a Hadith:
    إِنَّ هَذَا الْعِلْمَ دِينٌ، فَانْظُرُوا عَمَّنْ تَأْخُذُونَ دِينَكُمْصحيح مسلم (1/ 14)
    “Verily knowledge is Deen. Be cautious regarding whom you acquire your knowledge from.” (Sahih Muslim 1/14)
    A persons thinking and conduct is shaped according to his/her knowledge. A teacher has a great impact on his/her students. The students tend to imitate the lifestyle of their teachers.
    There is a need for women to teach other women. In the time of Sahābah (Radiallahu Ta’alā Anhum), many people would seek knowledge from Aishā Radiallahu Ta’alā Anhā (the mother of all the believers) since she was the most knowledgeable woman from amongst them. This does not mean that any unqualified woman has the right to stand up and start preaching Deen. This may be detrimental for her Imān as well as for the Imān of others.
    If a person is qualified in a particular field, the person should limit his/her focus to that field. This applies to men and women. If a person is a Hāfiz of the Quran, he cannot assume the position of being an Ālim by a virtue of the respect accorded to him as a Hafiz. Similarly, if a woman is teaching in a maktab for example, or is a wife of an Ālim or is a follower of a spiritual guide, that association is not enough for her to assume the position of a qualified Ālima or a Shaikh. It is an unfortunate reality that many such women do not maintain their limits and even assume the position of issuing Fatwās. Their respect lies in them being confined to their area of speciality and not to trespass that. In some instances, we observed that some women assume the role of a shaikh (spiritual guide) to people who view them with respect but their personal life is void of any Islamic value. That type of attitude questions the very Ikhlās (sincerity) and intention of such people. Is it loyalty and dedication to the cause of worshipping ones position? This is a critical question to determine Ikhlās. Only an act with Ikhlās and according to Shari’āh is accepted by Allah Subhānahu Wa Ta’alā.
    The above are our general observations on the issue without reference to a specific person. We are unable to comment on Farhat Hashmi as we are based in South Africa and do not know much about her. Attached is a Fatwā from Darul-Ifta Jami’āh Banoria, Karachi regarding her.
    And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best
    Mawlana Abdul Hannan Nizami,
    Student Darul Iftaa, USA

    Checked and Approved by,
    Mufti Ebrahim Desai.

    Translation of the Fatwā:
    Dr. Farhat Hashmi is a P.H.D graduate of Glaskow University and is a free-minded woman who commenced a year course by apparently trying to simplify the Deen and the Tafseer of the Qurān which is known as “A One Year Diploma Course in Islamic Studies” whereas in reality through her free-minded thinking, she has become a victim of misunderstanding. In fact a victim of making apparent errors and instructing her associates of the same.
    Many of her perspectives are misguiding such as, refuting the importance of Ijmā (consensus) of the Ummah, generally declaring the following of a Mazhab as Shirk, (which means that for the past 14 centuries, majority of the Muslim population who adhered to a Mazhab were all Mushriks). Similarly, one who has missed numerous amounts of Salāhs in his life does not need to perform those Salāhs, merely doing Taubāh is enough.
    Many of her views are against the majority. For e.g. considering 3 divorces as 1 divorce while some of them are considered bid’ā , encouraging the woman folks in attending the Salāh with Jamā’t, giving the importance of offering Salātut-Tasbeeh with Jam’āt. Such views hold the potential of creating fitnā such as having false assumptions against the Ulamā (scholars) and the Fuqahā (jurists), freeing the importance of Deenī Madāris (Islāmic schools) from the minds of people and considering a short and simple course to be enough for acquiring knowledge. Similarly, the jurists who have put effort in deriving rulings through their deep knowledge of Quran and Hadith are declared as nullified and the rulings are considered to be against the Quran and Hadith.
    Propagation and development of such persistent views and beliefs are a distinctive attributes of “Al-Huda International”. Based on these beliefs and views, it is causing disputes and chaos and has created doubts regarding the rulings of Shari’āh in the minds of the Muslim Ummāh. The inclination towards exonerated and free minded thinking is rapidly increasing. Based on these facts, abstention from gaining admission in these institutions, teaching, and assisting are all necessary acts. And Allah knows the truth.
    Muhammad Abdullah Hashmi
    Darul Ifta Jami’āh Banoria Karachi
    28/Rajab   1425 Hijri
    Note: From the above information that has been provide. It is not advisable for your fiancé to study at the AL-HUDA institute run by Dr. Farhat Hashmi.

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