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Question Summary:
Is it necessary for a person with Down syndrome to be circumcised?

Question Detail:

I have a brother (19 years old) who has downs syndrome, he has not yet had his circumcision done.
He does not pray, he can't read the Quran ( and Kayda), he doesn't understand most things, He doesn't yet understand that he is a muslim and basic lifeskills.
As he is older and his understanding of deeni and dunya matters are close to that of a young child, I was wondering whether it is necessary for him to be circumcized. His doctor has previously advised against it.

Answer :

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
As-salāmu ʿalaykum wa-raḥmatullāhi wa-barakātuh

A person with Down syndrome is not obligated with the injunctions of the Shariʿah.
Therefore, it is not necessary for your brother to be circumcised. Furthermore, if a competent doctor has advised him against circumcision, he should not be circumcised.
And Allah Taʿālā Knows Best

Mahmood Patel
Student, Darul Iftaa
Azaadville, South Africa

Checked and Approved by
Mufti Ebrahim Desai

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