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Question Summary:
Is it desirable to hold fun days exclusive to women and children in order to raise money for a Masjid?

Question Detail:

Is it desirable to raise money for the Masjid & its associated projects by having fun days in the Masjid compound wherein sisters only participate with their children? The fun day involves stalls, barbecue, mendhi, children's bouncing castle, crafts, selling cakes etc. If it's not desirable, please explain why?

Answer :

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
As-salāmu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuh.
To participate in and raise funds for noble causes, such as the construction and maintenance of a Masjid, is indeed desirable and highly encouraged. Allah exhorts and praises the believing men and women who spend graciously in His cause. However, believers should be sensitive to and mindful of the manner in which collections are raised.
If a Masjid and its associated projects require funding, the ideal is to fund it personally or solicit funds without having any personal benefits whatsoever. This is in keeping with the spirit of sincerity in donations and in keeping with the loftiness of the Masjid and its associated projects. When Allah`s Messenger (peace and salutations be upon him) encouraged the sahāba (male companions) and sahābiyāt (female sahāba) to contribute towards a religious project, he did so by highlighting the pleasure of Allah Ta`āla, and the rewards in the hereafter. We advise that this sunnah spirit of contributing to religious activities be upheld among sisters.
However, if the Masjid requires funds and there is no other feasible alternative in collecting funds from womenfolk[1], then due to need[2] the womenfolk may participate in such money raising opportunities. Nevertheless, the following conditions must be adhered to when attending such events:

  • The laws of hijab should be adhered to;
  • the gathering should only consist of women and small children;
  • there should be no un-Islamic activity;
  • the programme should be conducted under the supervision of ulamā.
  • If any of the abovementioned conditions are violated, then holding and participating in such fundraising events will not be permissible.
    And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best
    Hanif Yusuf Patel
    Student Darul Iftaa

    Checked and Approved by,
    Mufti Ebrahim Desai.


    [1] وقرن في بيوتكن

    [Al-Qur`an, 33: 33]


    والعرف الظاهر في جميع البلدان ببناء الحمامات للنساء وتمكينهن من دخول الحمامات دليل على صحة ما قلنا وحاجة النساء إلى دخول الحمامات فوق حاجة الرجال لأن المقصود تحصيل الزينة والمرأة إلى هذا أحوج من الرجل

    [al-Mabsūt li al-Sarakhsī, 10: 147, Dār al-Nawādir]

    و يجوز للرجل أن يأذن لها في الخروج إلى زيارة الوالدين و تعزيتهما و عيادتهما و زيارة المحارم و في الخلاصة معزيا إلى مجموع النوازل يجوز للرجل أن يأذن لها بالخروج إلى سبعة مواضع زياره الأبوين و عيادتهما و تعزيتهما أو أحدهما و زيارة المحارم فإن كانت قابلة أو غسالة أو كان لها على آخرحق تخرج بالإذن و بغير الإذن و الحج على هذا

    وفي الفتاوى في باب المهر ، والمرأة قبل أن تقبض مهرها لها الخروج في حوائجها وتزور الأقارب بغير إذن الزوج فإن أعطاها المهر ليس لها الخروج إلا بإذن الزوج

    [al-Bahr al-Rā`iq, 4: 195, H.M. Saeed Company]

    رجل له أم شابة تخرج للوليمة والمصيبة وليس لها زوج، لم يكن للابن ان يمنعها ما لم يثبت عنده انها تخرج لفساد، فحينئذ يرفع الامر إلى القاضي، فإذا أمره القاضي بالمنع كان له ان يمنعها؛ لأنه قام مقام القاضي.

    [Fatāwā Qādhī Khan, 1: 383]


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