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Is fortune telling permissible?

Question Detail:

Is it a correct practice that we can do istikhara from quran ?
 Some time ago i meet some qari sahab and when u go to him  you  ask him ur problem or question and  he asks u to open Quran whatever you open he tells you about your question ?
like when i went to him some friend took me there ..i asked him about my marriage and I opened Quran and he looked on the page of quran and said you will soon be married in a very righteous family and other things also.
when i came back i told my brother he said its'' shirk '' ..and i was so scared 
so please tell me what is correct or not and guide me .beacause i am really worried . what should i do ? 

Answer :

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
As-salāmu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuh.
Having absolute knowledge of the future is the sole attribute of Allah. [1] No person can predict the future with certainty. It is for this reason Rasulullah sallahualahi wasallam prohibits us from going to fortune tellers. [2]
The practise of opening the Qur’aan and predicting the future is also incorrect. However it is not shirk.
If you are facing some challenges in life turn to Allah and make dua. Follow the sunnah by performing salatul haja(need).
The procedure of salatul haja is that you perform two rakats of nafil salat with the intention that Allah should fulfil your need. Then, make dua firstly by praising Allah and send blessings on Nabi Sallahualahi Wasallam and read the following dua then ask Allah for your need. [3]
لا اله الا الله الحليم الكريم سبحان الله ربّ العرش العظيم الحمد لله رب العلمين اسالك موجبات رحمتك و عزائم مغفرتك و الغنيمة من كل برّ و السلامة من كل اثم لا تدع لى زنبا الا غفرته و لا همّا الا فرجته و لاحاجة هى لك رضا الا قضيتها يا ارحم الراحمين
Transliteration: La ilaha illahul halimul karim subhanallahi rabbul arshil azim alhamdu lilahi rabil almeen asaluka mujibati rahmatik wa azaaima magfiratik wal ganimata min kuli birin wassalamata min kuli ithmin la tada lana thumban illa gafarta wala hammun illa farajtahu wala hajatun hiya laka ridan illa qadaytaha ya arhaamarahimeen.
Translation:There is no deity except Allah (Talaa), the Most Forbearing and Kind, Who is unblemished and the Lord of the Great Throne, so praise be to Allah (Talaa), the Cherisher of the worlds. I seek all causes of the grant of your mercy and forgiveness, a full share of virtuous deeds and complete safety from inequity. (O Allah,) Let not a single sin of mine be left aside from being forgiven, nor worry and pain from being relieved, nor need which is agreeable to You from being fulfilled, O You, Most Merciful and Compassionate. (Tirmidhi).
And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best       
Ismail Dawoodjee
Student Darul Iftaa

Checked and Approved by,
Mufti Ebrahim Desai.

[1] علم الغيب فلا يظهر على غيبه احد (سورة الجن اية26)
[2] عن معويةرضى الله عنه قال قلت يا رسول الله كنا نصنع فى الجاهلية كنا ناتي الكهان قال فلا تاتوا الكهان (اى لاتعتقدوا صدقهم فى اخبارهم) (مرقاة ج7 ص2902 علمية) 
الاستفسار هل يجوز اخز الفال من المصحف؟ الاستبشار يكره كما فى جامع الرموز عن التحفة و صرح بمنعه على القارى المكى فى شرح شرح نخبة الفكر(فتاوى اللكنوى ص430 رشيدية)
وحراما و هو  علم الفلسفة...و السحر و الكهانة(در المختار ج1ص44 سعيد)
والكهنة و هى تعاطى الخبر عن الكائنات فى المستقبل و ادعاء معرفة الاسرار(شامى ج1ص45 سعيد)
و قد صرح ابن العجمى فى مناسكه و قال لا يوخذ الفال من المصحف(فقه الاكبر ص417 دار البشائر)

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