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Question Summary:
If in a muslim society Allahs orders are disobeyed and haram things are made halal. In a muslim country Sharab is there interest is allowed officially and sex stations are there. Then as a true believer is this not our responsibility to stop these things and stop it with power?.

Question Detail:

Assalam O Alaikum
Firstly  If in a muslim society Allahs orders are disobeyed and haram things are made halal. In a muslim country Sharab is there interest is allowed officially and sex stations are there. Then as a true believer is this not our responsibility to stop these things and stop it with power?. I don’t know why Ulemas do not recommend this. These acts are against teachings of Quran  Isn’t it kufr.
Secondly  If the ruler of a country is Illegal i.e, he has taken the leadership by force and all the above mentioned facts are also present and happening under his leadership and the Islamic situation is going worst with the passing time. Then what a true believer should do? Because the leadership is Ilegal he should oppose it and fight against it or he should sit down putting his one hand on the other…..
Please give the answers in the light of Quran and Ahadith. I think on my knowledge it is allowed to fight against the traitors of allah and to fight against these Fahashees. In hadees it is there to fight for Kalima , for superemacy of Allahs deen. In Quran it is there that …..Inil Hukmu Ila Lilah…. There is no order but of Allah….

Answer :

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
Assalaamu `alaykum waRahmatullahi Wabarakatoh
There are three aspects to your query
1)      Nahi Anil Munkar
2)      Muslim country
3)      Responsibility of the Ulama
At the outset, you should understand that it is the duty of every believer to carry out Nahi anil Munkar (stop others from evil). This is not the responsibility of a few individuals but the entire Ummah of our Nabi (صلى الله عليه وسلم).
Allah states “You (Ummah of Muhammed) are the best of nations taken out for the benefit of mankind, you command with good and forbid from evil” (Surah Al-Imran Verse 10).
Rasulullah (صلى الله عليه وسلم) said “Whoever sees any evil he should stop it with his hands and if he cannot stop it with his hands he should stop it (evil) with his tongue and if not with his tongue he should do so with his heart” (Sahih Muslim Page 80).
A person will be required to carry out Nahi anil Munkar according to his capacity and authority. For example a Qaadhi (judge) may do Nahi anil Munkar with force. A layman may carry out Nahi anil Munkar verbally by encouraging a person to refrain from Haraam. In some instances one cannot do Nahi Anil Munkar physically nor verbally, in this instance one should ponder over ways in trying to correct the wrong. It is therefore incorrect to state that Nahi anil Munkar can only be done with force or power.
Secondly, since we do not live in Islamic countries, we may only adopt the second two options of Nahi anil Munkar as explained in the Hadith quoted above. At most we may encourage a person doing wrong to stop and refrain from evil. However, we cannot physically compel him to stop.
It is the system of Allah that whoever endeavours to do Nahi anil Munkar to be with abuse and criticism. Every Nabi of Allah was persecuted for this very reason. However, one should not become despondent and remain steadfast. It is not a requirement for Nahi anil Munkar that the leadership must be involved. As individuals whatever is within your control you should and thereafter leave the result to Allah. Allah states “Allah does not burden you with that which is beyond you”.
Thirdly, you state that you do not know why the Ulama do not recommend this? It is of vital importance that you maintain Adab and respect for every Alim. It is seriously dangerous to pick out on Ulama and criticize them. They are the custodians of the Shariah and the heirs of Ambiyaa. It is irrelevant whether your point is correct or not. The mere fact that he has carried the knowledge of Prophet hood in his bosom, he/they have to be respected and revered. If you have some concerns you must raise in a very respectable and humble way and not make sweeping comments about their work.
Nevertheless, your claim of the Ulama not recommending Nahi anil Munkar is completely erroneous. It seems that you do not have much contact with the true Ulama who have made their life ambition Amr Bil Maroof and Nahi anil Munkar. There are multitudes of Ulama who have stood up to this responsibility and have managed with the permission of Allah to correct many wrongs of the society and country.
One example is that of the Tabligh Jamaat. Their objective is to go from person to person to encourage the people to do good and refrain from evil. These Fahaashies will only mend their habits if they are encouraged constantly with wisdom and diplomacy. We observe that the trend nowadays is to set up huge seminars and conferences on how to change or reform the society. Statistics prove that very little is achieved from these gatherings. One will only be successful if he implements and adopts the methodology of Rasulullah (صلى الله عليه وسلم) in trying to reform the society and/or country.
And Allah knows best
Muhammed Zakariyya Desai,
Checked and Approved by:
Mufti Ebrahim Desai
Darul Iftaa, Madrassah In'aamiyyah

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