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Question Summary:
I want to ask you that i had wish that I wanted to do Bayet on the hands of the elders of Ulema of Deoband who have done Bayet on the hands of Haji Imdad Ul Makki Saheb(RA) who was from the silsila of Chistiya and Naqshbandi but i never had an oppurtunity to do so…

Question Detail:

I have a question for you I want to ask you that i had wish that I wanted to do Bayet on the hands of the elders of  Ulema of Deoband who have done Bayet on the hands of Haji Imdad Ul Makki  Saheb(RA)  who was from the silsila of Chistiya and Naqshbandi but i never had an oppurtunity to do so, It so happened one day that i was listing to the Bayan of Hazrat Syed Asad Madani (RA) on the internet he was giving bayet, so accordingly i also repeated the words along with him which he was dictating holding the hands of his pupil is my  bayet  valid without my hands being placed on the hands of Hazrat Saheb and i think the audio was also 2 yrs old.Pls clarify 

Answer :

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
Assalaamu `alaykum waRahmatullahi Wabarakatoh
Hazrath Moulana Syed Asad Madani Saheb Rahmatullahi Alaih was a great spiritual mentor. You should continue deriving benefit from his discourses. If you wish to take bai’at on any spiritual guide, you should identify the person. If you have familiarity with him and you think you could benefit through him, then you should request his assistance in that regard. The closer the relationship with ones spiritual guide, the more one will benefit from his roohaniyyat and spirituality.
And Allah knows best
Mufti Ebrahim Desai
Darul Iftaa, Madrassah In'aamiyyah

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