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Question Summary:
I want Allah to wish good for me and how do I obey the commandments of Allah

Question Detail:

"Whosoever Allah wishes good for, He gives him understanding (fiqh) of the Religion.” (Bukhari & Muslim)
Currently i am not seeking knowledge and not finding the oppurtunity so allah has not wished good for me, so what can i do that will cause allah to wish good for me so that i can seek knowledge? I would like to seek knowledge but i can't and therefore i want allah to wish good for me. BUT WANT CAN I DO THAT WILL CAUSE ALLAH TO WISH GOOD FOR ME?
second question is that what can i do that will help me to obey allah and his messenger? Is it reading quran? good friends, PLease give me a LIST OF THINGS.

Answer :

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
As-salāmu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuh.
1)     Here under is the hadith in reference:
من يرد الله به خير يفقه فى الدين
The person with whom Allah wishes well, Allah gives him understanding of Deen. (Muslim-4918 Darul Qalam)
There are two explanations to this hadith:

  • According to one explanation, the hadith refers to the correct and proper academic understanding of Deen which is undertaken by Ulama in studying and understanding the different issues of Deen. [1]

  • Another explanation refers to an individual’s sensitivity to Deen and practicing on the injunctions of Deen even though he may not be academically schooled in the different sciences of Deen.[2]
    According to this explanation, any person who is sensitive to Deen and carries out the obligations of Deen is also included in the virtue of the hadith and as such he too is intended by Allah with the goodness of Allah.
    2) If you are facing difficulty in spiritual progress by yourself, seek the assistance of a spiritual guide (sheikh) to guide you. You will be easily propelled to greater heights of spirituality.
    While you identify a suitable spiritual guide, be steadfast on your faraid (obligatory) prayers and take out some time to do the following:
    Read Surah Yaseen in the beginning of the day and Surah Tabarak and Waaqiah before you go to bed. Also takeout fifteen minutes in the morning and evening to do the three tasbeehat which is:

  • The third kalimah hundred times.
  • Durood shareef hundred times.
  • Istigfar hundred times.
  • Do these tasbeehat with full concentration and love for Allah. The list below may also help:
    1. Fulfill obligatory duties and abstaining from prohibited matters.
    2. Nawafil prayers (superogatory prayers).
    3. Zikr (remembrance of Allah) and glorification of Allah.
    4. Calling upon Allah in Dua (supplication).
    5. Building a close relationship with the Qur’aan.
    6. Keeping good company.
    7. Having fear and hope in Allah.
    8. Voluntary fasting for the pleasure of Allah.
    9. Sincerely repenting to Allah.
    10. Having good manners, character and being humble.
    And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best
    Ismail Dawoodjee
    Student Darul Iftaa

    Checked and Approved by,
    Mufti Ebrahim Desai.

    فتح الملهم ص264 ج5 دار القلم  [1]
    تحفة الالمعى ص425 ج6 زمزم[2]

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