Question Summary: I lead salaah without wudhu Question Detail:
Assalamu alaykum, I'm a Hafiz and I once lead namaz without wudhu in a masjid full of people. I did not realize that I didn't have wudhu till I reached towards the end of the namaz. But I didn't tell the people to repeat their namaz. I'm guilty of what I did. Now what should I do? Please help. Jazaakumullah khairan!
Answer :
In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, The Most Merciful. As-salaamu `alaykum wa-ramatullahi wa-barakatuh. The position of an Imaam is a trust. Rasulullah Salallahu alayhi wa sallam said; “الإمامُ ضامِن” سنن أبي داود (ت الأرنؤوط (1/ 389 The Imaam is responsible. (for the salaah of the congregation) Abu Dawood. An Imaam is entrusted with the salaah of his congregation. When you realised that you did not have wudhu, you should have terminated your salaah immediately. If the salaah you are referring to was a fardh salaah, you should inform the congregation to repeat that particular salaah. You do not have to state the reason for that.[i] You should also make tawba and istighfaar for your negligence in that regard. And Allah Ta`ala Knows Best. Hussein Muhammad. Student Darul Iftaa Tanzania Checked and Approved by: Mufti Ebrahim Desai.
رد المحتار - ط. بابي الحلبي (1/ 591)
قوله ( بطلت ) أي تبين أنها لم تنعقد إن كان الحدث سابقا على تكبيرة الإمام أو مقارنا لتكبيرة المقتدي أو سابقا عليها بعد تكبيرة الإمام
وأما إذا كان متأخرا عن تكبيرة المقتدي فإنها تنعقد أولا ثم تبطل عند وجود الحدث ح
قوله بطلت قوله ( فيلزم إعادتها ) المراد بالإعادة الإتيان بالفرض بقرينة
رد المحتار - ط. بابي الحلبي (1/ 81)
في مسألة الصلاة بلا طهارة وإن الإكفار رواية النوادر
وفي ظاهر الرواية لا يكون كفرا
Masaail Rif`at Qaasmi. Vol 2, Pg 90
Fataawa Mahmudiyya. Vol 10, Pg 209. Maktaba Mahmudiyya