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Question Summary:
I have this gas issue. Am I ma’dhur?

Question Detail:

I am having this chronic gas issue which has made it difficult for me to offer salah, most of the time my stomach has bloating, there are few times when i can pray without passing wind but most of the time i feel that the wind has release due to which i have to do wadu again and again, which is putting me in distress, i no longer can identify what is certain and what is doubt, i cant concentrate in my prayer anymore. I have heard that there is a category of madhur in which a person does wadu once and then offer that particular prayer but then again i read some where that if only the gas doesnt go for the entire time of prayer time like if i am offering isha the time of the prayer is from 705- mid night then only he can be considered as madhur, there are some times when i dont feel bloated but again when i start to offer prayer or do wudu that moment the gas problem kicks in again so i can noway tell that when this problem wont bother me,

Answer :

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

As-salāmu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuh.

Your wudhu will only break if you are absolutely certain that wind has exited your rear.[1]

A ma’dhoor is that person that experiences a factor that breaks Wudhu, for example, the passing of wind, for an entire Salah time such that he cannot perform Wudhu and Salah without experiencing that factor.[2]

You may refer to Fatwa #16973 for details of a ma’dhoor person:

You may use the guidelines in the link to determine whether you are a ma’dhoor or not. The link also provides rulings for a ma’dhoor person.

And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best

Mizanur Rahman

Student, Darul Iftaa


Checked and Approved by,
Mufti Ebrahim Desai.


[1] حاشية ابن عابدين؛ رد المحتار على الدر المختار ت فرفور، محمد أمين بن عمر الشهير بابن عابدين (المتوفى: 1252هـ)، دار الثقافة والتراث، دمشق، سوريا (1/500)

العلائية: ولو أيقن بالطهارة وشك بالحدث أو بالعكس أخذ باليقين،


[2]  منهل الواردين من بحار الفيض على ذخر المتلأهلين في مسائل الحيض، محمد أمين من عمر الشهير ابن عابدين (المتوفى: 1252هـ)، دار الفكر، دمشق، سوريا (ص:288)

(ثم إن الحدث إن استوعب) ولو حكماً (وقت صلاةٍ) مفروضةٍ (بأن لم يوجد فيه زمان خال عنه يسع الوضوء والصلاة، يسمّى عذراً، وصاحبه) يسمّى (معذوراً، و) يسمى أيضاً (صاحب العذر)

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