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Question Summary:
Husband loves the wife but wants to divorce her?

Question Detail:

Assalamu Alaikum, I have been married for over 18 years and have two kids. We married with love and we still love each other, we have our ups and downs. Now my husband wants me to get divorce but stay living together. He says it's just a paper and this will prove my love to him. Please help me letting him understand that this is wrong and he should not destroyed marriage. Jazakum Allah Kheiran

Answer :

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, The Most Merciful.

As-salaamu `alaykum wa-ramatullahi wa-barakatuh.

Divorce is a very serious step and regarded as الابغض المباحات (the most resented of permissible acts).

Why does your husband want to engage in a resented act despite loving each other and wishing to continue staying with each other?

Enquire this from your husband and revert to us with the response.

We will advise further.

And Allah Ta`ala Knows Best.

Hussein Muhammad.

Student Darul Iftaa


Checked and Approved by:

Mufti Ebrahim Desai.


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