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Question Summary:
How many children did Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam lose during his lifetime?

Question Detail:

1) How many of his own children has the Prophet (S) lost during his (S) life?
2) Can you recommend a book or a powerful dua for the parents whose children are in a life danger or are deceased? These questions are important for me because I see such families who need God's support and I want to know the right words to help them ease their pain. May God reward you for your kind help.

Answer :

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
As-salāmu ‘alaykumwa-rahmatullāhiwa-barakātuh.
Your desire to ease the pain of parents in distress is an indication of the compassion in your heart, which is a noble quality.
RasulullahSallallahuAlaihiWaSallam had seven children; three of whom were males and four were females.[1]
1)     The name of the first child was QasimRadhiyallahu ‘Anhuwho passed away in his infancy.
2)     The second was ZaynabRadhiyallahu ‘Anha who grew up, married and even migrated to MadinahMunawwarah. However, shortly after her migration she passed away.
3)     The third was RuqayyahRadhiyallahu ‘Anhawho was in the marriage of ‘UthmanRadhiyallahu ‘Anhuand had passed away whilstRasulullahSallallahuAlaihiWaSallam was in the battle of Badr.
4)     The forth was UmmuKulthoomRadhiyallahu ‘Anha who, after the demise of her sister RuqayyahRadhiyallahu ‘Anha, married ‘UthmanRadhiyallahu ‘Anhu. She passed away in the ninth year of migration.
5)     The fifth was Fatimah Radhiyallahu ‘Anhawho was in the marriage of ‘Ali Radhiyallahu ‘Anhuand the only one fromRasulullah’sSallallahuAlaihiWaSallam children to live on after his demise. She passed away six months after RasulullahSallallahuAlaihiWaSallam.
6)     The sixth was ‘AbdullahRadhiyallahu ‘Anhu who was also known as Tayyib and Tahir. He passed away in MakkahMukarramah during his childhood.
7)     The last child was Ibrahim Radhiyallahu ‘Anhuwho was the only one born from other than KhadejahRadhiyallahu ‘Anha. He passed awaywhen he was just over a year old.
As for the second question, it is reported that RasulullahSallallahuAlaihiWaSallam said “He who sends forth three children (i.e. They pass away) who have not reached the age of puberty, they will be a solid barrier for him from the fire of Jahannum. Abu ZarrRadhiyallahu ‘Anhuthereafter asked “I have sent forth two” so RasulullahSallallahuAlaihiWaSallam replied“two also (will suffice for this reward)”. Thereafter Ubayy bin Ka’bRadhiyallahu ‘Anhusaid“I have sent forth one” so RasulullahSallallahuAlaihiWaSallam said “one as well”.[2]
By mentioning this Hadith, it is hoped that the sight of the parents will shift from the pain and distress of the lost child to the rewards of the hereafter.
Furthermore,itis mentioned in a hadith that whosoever recites
Translation: Verily, we belong to Allah and to Him shall we return
Transliteration: Inna LillahiWa Inna IlaihiRajioon
thereaftersays the following dua
Translation: Oh Allah compensate me in my calamity and grant me that which is better than it
Transliteration: Allahummajirnee Fi MuseebateeWakhluf Lee KhairamMinhaa
during a calamity, Allah will grant him better than that which he lost. [3]
If the childrenare fatally ill, then make dua for their recovery and advise the parents to observe patience and remain content with the decree of Allah for truly He knows what is best for us.
And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best
Muntasir Zaman
Student DarulIftaa

Checked and Approved by,
Mufti Ebrahim Desai.

[1] والاصح انهم ثلاثة ذكور وأربع بنات متفق عليهن وكلهم من خديجة بنت خويلد الا إبراهيم الى اخر الباب] شرح الزرقاني علي المواهب اللدنية[ 316/4 

زاد المعاد 100/1 وكذاامتاع الاسماع 357/5


[2]سنن ابن ماجه535/2

[3] صحيح مسلم 7/4



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