Question Summary: How can I deal with fear of the Hearafter? Question Detail:
i pray 5 times a day even sunnah and some nafil and sometimes Night prayers, i help my parrents everyday, makeing sure they happy, i even remind them about quran reading, i read and take my time with every sura and deeply understand each vers, i send charity money to quran schools, and zakat, and go to the majid everyday, and my concern everyday is how to please Allah (swt) no matter how much i do, i still end the day thinking that i did not do enough today for Allah, im 23 at the moment. My point is im constantly thinking about what if i am doing something wrong? what if i am missing something important that will make me get punished in the grave, a women got punished cause of a cat, even if i do all thies good deeds and i am missing 1 thing out, that i never came across, i cant bare to even get 1-2 secs of punisment in the grave or when i see the angle of dead in a bad way. what if i forgot 1 little detail that i should had done in my life and it will make me get punised in the grave by the angles. it worries me everyday.
Answer :
In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. As-salāmu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuh. Dear brother, It is very pleasing to hear that you are trying your best to practise on the dictates of Shari’ah. This an indication of your faith and Imān. You refer to your fear of doing something wrong. Firstly, you should realize that every human being is prone to mistakes. Rasulullah صلي الله عليه وسلم has mentioned, كل بني آدم خطاء وخير الخطائين التوابون Every human is prone to make a mistake and the best of those who make mistakes are those who repent.[1] Therefore, our responsibility is to focus on how we can make progress rather than dwindle in our mistakes. Shaytān makes a concentrated effort in creating despondency in the hearts of Muslims who are excelling in their religious activities. This does not mean that our hearts should be void of the fear of Allah. We should strike a balance between hope and fear. Your concern about the hereafter is a good sign that you are not complacent about your Imān. If we look into the lives of the pious predecessors, we will find similar instances. Despite all the good deeds they have done they were always concerned whether they will be taken to task for a small mistake in their life. It is for this reason that we should repent to Allah daily for the sins that we have committed, those that we know of and those that we do not realize. You also mention the fear of not doing enough for Allah. Remember that Allah greatly appreciates the actions of his slave. It is mentioned in the Qurān وكان الله شاكرا عليما …and Allah is Appreciative and all Knowing You are young and you wish to excel in this field of spirituality and closeness to Allah. Adopt the company of some pious person and stay in his company. The article on Bay’ah (Fatwa # 27128) on the Askimam website will be useful for you. And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best Muntasir Zaman Student Darul Iftaa USA Checked and Approved by, Mufti Ebrahim Desai.
[1] سنن الترمذي رقم الحديث 2667