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Question Summary:
1. What is meant by the term “aal” or household of Nabi {SAW}?

Question Detail:

1.       What is meant by the term "aal" or household of Nabi {SAW}?
2.       Ali ibn abi taalib{RA} got two of his daughters married to two of the khalifs.Who were the two khalifs and what does this relation prove?
3.       Nabi {SAW} instructed goodness towards all his companions.Mention evidence to prove this.
4.       Which of the sons of Ali ibn abi Talib {RA} named his sons Abu-bakr and Umar?
5.       What was the name of the mother if Uthmaan ibn Ali ibn abi talib {RA}?
6.       Almghty ALLAH saya "when he said to his companion "do not despair for ALLAH is with us".... who is reffered to as his companion??

Answer :

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Assalaamu `alaykum waRahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
1.      The word “aal” has different interpretations. It could refer to the Banū Hāshim, Banū Muttalib, household members of Rasulullāh (Sallallāhu alayhi wa sallam) i.e. his wives and children, pious servants of Allāh Ta’āla or the Muslims in general. The interpretation of “aal” would differ depending on the context it is used in.
(Sharh Al-Zarqāni, vol 1, pg 26, Ilmiyya / Faidul Ilāhi, vol 1, pg 7, Maktaba Irshād / Sirājul Qāri, pg 4, Dar Al-Fikr)
2.      Umm Al-Kulthūm, the daughter of ‘Ali (Radiyallāhu anhu) married Khalīfa ‘Umar (Radiyallāhu anhu). We do not know of any other daughter of Ali (Radiyallāhu anhu) that was married to a Khalīfa.
Ramala, the other daughter of ‘Ali (Radiyallāhu anhu), was married to Amīr Mu’āwiya (Radiyallāhu anhu). However, he was not a Khalīfa.
(Al-Bidāya Wa al-Nihāya, vol 7, pg 314, Dār Al-Hadīth / Al-Nasab wa al-Musāharah, pg 330, Dār Al-Kitāb al-Arabi)
The marriage of Umm Al-Kulthūm to ‘Umar (Radiyallāhu anhu) is a proof against Shias, who discredit Umar (Radiyallāhu anhu). They belief he was a Kāfir (wana ‘ūzubillāh). The fact ‘Ali (Radiyallāhu anhu), who they regard as their Imām, married his daughter to Umar (Radiyallāhu anhu), proves the credibility of ‘Umar (Radiyallāhu anhu).
3.      Hereunder is the Hadīth:
سمعت بن الزبير يقول سمعت عمر بن الخطاب يخطب يقول : سمعت رسول الله صلى الله عليه و سلم يخطب فقال أكرموا أصحابي ثم الذين يلونهم ثم الذين يلونهم ثم يظهر الكذب حتى يشهد الرجل ولا يستشهد ويخلف الرجل ولا يستحلف فمن أحب منكم بحبحة الجنة فليلزم الجماعة فإن الشيطان مع الواحد وهو من الإثنين أبعد ولا يخلون رجل بامرأة فإن ثالثهما الشيطان ومن سرته حسنته وسائته سيئته فهو مؤمن  (رواه النسائ)
4.      To our knowledge, ‘Ali (Radiyallāhu anhu) had sons named Abu Bakr and ‘Umar. Abu Bakr was born from his wife Layla bintu Mas’ūd and ‘Umar from Ummu Habība bintu Zam’ah. (Al-Bidāya Wa al-Nihāya, vol 7, pg 314)
5.      Her name was Fatima bintu Hizām, commonly referred to as ‘Ummul Banīn’. (Al-Bidāya Wa al-Nihāya, vol 7, pg 314)
6.        It refers to Abu Bakr (Radiyallāhu anhu).
And Allah knows best
Wassalamu Alaikum
Ml. Talha Desai,
Student Darul Iftaa

Checked and Approved by:
Mufti Ebrahim Desai
Darul Iftaa, Madrassah In'aamiyyah

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