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Question Summary:
Please guide me in detail about the Hajj as i will be performing Haj-e Tamattu.

Question Detail:

I live in jeddah and planned to perfomr Hajj this year InshaAllah.I follow Hanafi Masalak.
Please guide me in detail about the Hajj as i will be performing Haj-e Tamattu.
As far as i know in Haj E tamattu people who are living in Jeddah can perform Tawaf-E Qadom,Saee one week prior to 8th
and remove Ahram and can come back ,then can go to Mina directly on 8th and perfrom the remainitgn Arkaan as usual.
Please guide in detail step by step.
Jazak Allah.

Answer :

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
Assalaamu `alaykum waRahmatullahi Wabarakatoh
We make du’a that Allah Ta’ala bless you with Hajjul Mabroor, Ameen.
We understand from your query that you are a resident of Jiddah and intend to perform Hajjut Tamatu’. The Fuqahaa (Jurists) of the Hanafi mazhhab have stated that it is not permissible for a resident of Makkah and those staying within the boundaries of the Miqaat to perform Hajjut Tamatu’. Jiddah is located in the Hill which is within the boundaries of the Miqaat. Hence, it will not be permissible for you to perform Hajjut Tamatu’.
(Manasik Mulla Ali Al-Qari, pg 274, Idaratul Quran / Al-Hidaya, vol 1, pg 263, Maktaba Shirka / Fatawa Mahmudiyya, vol 10, pg 387, Faruqiyya / Fatawa Rahimiyya, vol 8, pg 94, Darul Isha’at)
As a resident of Jiddah, you should perform Hajjul Ifrad, as stated by the Fuqahaa i.e. to don Ihram for Haj only. In this type of Haj, as a resident of Jiddah (which is within the Miqaat), you are not required to perform Tawaaful Qudum and Sa’ee prior to the 8th of Zul Hijjah. In fact there is no Tawaaful Quduum for a resident of Jiddah. Rather, you should don your Ihram from Jiddah and proceed directly to Mina on the 8th of Zul Hijjah and carry out the rituals of Haj as normal.
(Al-Hidaya, vol 1, pg 242, Maktaba Shirka / Mu’allimul Hujjaj, pg 161, Idaratul Quran)
فصل في تمتع المكي : أي في حكم تمتعه ومن في معناه (ليس لأهل مكة) أي المقيمين بها (وأهل المواقيت) أي نفسها وما حاذاها (ومن بينها وبين مكة) أي بين الحل من داخل المواقيت وبين الحرم المحترم (تمتع) (مناسك ملا على القاري ص 274,ادارة القرآن)
ومن كان داخل المواقيت فهو بمنزلة المكي حتي لا يكون له متعة ولا قران (الهداية 1/263)
وليس علي اهل مكة طواف القدوم لانعدام القدوم في حقهم (الهداية 1/242)
ومن كان داخل المواقيت فوقته الحل (الهداية 1/235)
And Allah knows best
Ml. Talha Desai,
Student Darul Iftaa

Checked and Approved by:
Mufti Ebrahim Desai
Darul Iftaa, Madrassah In'aamiyyah

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