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Question Summary:
I went for Umrah and later on discovered that I had haidh the same night. Do I have to give damm?

Question Detail:

I live in Saudi Arabia. I went for Umrah last night and came back with a stain of blood (menses). But I was not expecting my menses as it was only 15 days since I had my last one. I wanted to know if I have to give a damm or not?


Answer :





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In the Name of Allāh, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
As-salāmu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuh.

The minimum period of purity is fifteen days, and there is no limit to the maximum.[i] As such, the onset of haidh was definitely within the realm of possibility on the night you went for Umrah.
If you experienced your haidh while making the Tawaaf of Umrah, and completed even one circuit in that state, then a damm* is wajib on you.[ii] The damm will rectify the error and the Umrah will be considered valid and complete.
*Damm: Refers to the slaughtering of a goat, a sheep, a one-seventh part of a cow, or a one-seventh part of a camel within the precincts of the Haram in lieu of certain violations made while performing the manaasik (rites) of Hajj and Umrah.
If however you experienced your haidh while making Sai' or afterwards then there is no damm.[iii]

And Allāh knows best.
Ml. Sohail Bengali
Chicago, IL (USA)

Concurred by:
Muftī Abrar Mirza
Chicago, IL (USA)

Under the Supervision of Muftī Ebrahim Desai (South Africa)
[i] ( قوله نصاب الطهر ) أي خمسة عشر يوما فأكثر
رد المحتار كتاب الطهارة، باب الحيض: ١ /٤٧٥ دار الكتب العلمية
       معلم الحجاج ص ٢٤٥ إدارة إسلاميات [ii]

   معلم الحجاج ص ١٤٢ إدارة إسلاميات [iii]
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