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Question Summary:
I am living in Jeddah from the past seven months and have performed Umrah on multiple times. Recently my brothers came for Umrah. One came from Albaha and he stayed at my home for one day and performed Umrah on the second day. He put his Ihram from my home.

Question Detail:

I am living in Jeddah from the past seven months and have performed Umrah on multiple times. Recently my brothers came for Umrah. One came from Albaha and he stayed at my home for one day and performed Umrah on the second day. He put his Ihram from my home. Now I have come to know that he should have put ihram at his home and performed the Umrah first . otherwise if he stayed at my home he should have first gone to Meeqat and put the Ihram there. Now my question is from where should have put the Ihram. If not from my home then what is the nearest point to Jeddah from which he should have put the Ihram. He along with his wife performed the Umrah. Is their Umrah valid or should they offer a sacrifices. If yes, how many, one or two.
I also performed the Umrah with them but did cut the hair at home and changed the Ihram after cutting the hair at home. Have I done the wrong thing and should I have cut the hair at Haram only. If yes should I offer a sacrifice for my error.
My another brother along with his wife came from Dubai and he had put his Ihram from Dubai. They performed the Umrah and he did cut his hair very short. After performing the Umrah they left for Madina next day and returned back on third day. On the fourth day they again performed the Umrah but they put the Ihram from my home. Should they have gone to Meeqat (nearest to Jeddah) and put the Ihram and done the Umrah after wards. (Which is the nearest point from Jeddah from where we can put the Ihram).
Now as he had small hair he did not shave the hair but cut his hair which was less than finger tip size. Is it necessary to share the head if the hair size is less than finger tip size.
Now that he has done two mistakes should he offer one sheep or two sheep. His wife cut her hair in the car. Is this method right or wrong. If wrong, should she also offer sacrifice.
I sometimes perform Umrah with the intention of performing Umrah on my mother’s behalf who has died 14 years before. Where from should I put the Ihram when I do the Umrah on behalf of my mother. Should I wear it at home (Jeddah) or should it be from the start of Meeqat. If a person does two mistakes, should he offer one sheep or two. Finally please suggest a book or website which provides information about Umrah particularly for the people who live in Jeddah.

Answer :





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In the name of Allāh, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Assalāmu ῾alaykum wa Rahmatullāhi Wabarakātuh
In principal, a person has to don the ihram at the time of crossing Meeqat if he has the intention of performing Umrah.
If your brother’s intention was only to visit you, then dam will not be necessary. However, if his intention was to visit you and perform Umrah, then dam (sacrifice of a goat or sheep)  will be necessary. The nearest Meeqat is Al-Rabigh (Juhfah) which is almost 150 km away from Jeddah.
(Ap kay Masail, Vol.4, Pg.101, Maktabah Bayyinaat)
It is necessary for a person to cut the hair within the haram. Not doing so will render a dam compulsory upon the individual.
(Al Jami Sagheer, Pg. 165) [1]
Once they have returned from Madinah to your place, they will be considered residents (muqeem) of Jeddah. If they want to perform Umrah again, Ihram could be donned from Jeddah.
(Ap kay Masail, Vol.4, Pg.101, Maktabah Bayyinaat)
If the hair is shorter than a finger tip, it will be compulsory to shave the head. One dam will be compulsory upon him. If the car was in haram, there will be no dam upon her.
You can don the ihram from your home whether you are performing for yourself or on behalf of someone else.
Two dams will only be necessitated when:
-When two  mistakes of different nature are committed.
-When one  mistake is commited at different times
For further enlightenment on this issue, please consult with your local Ulama
We suggest you to read the kitaab “Muallimul Hujjaaj” written by Molana Saeed Ahmad Sb (R.A)
And Allāh Ta῾āla Knows Best
Wassalāmu ῾alaykum 

Ml. Abdur Rahman Shareef,
Student Dārul Iftā

Checked and Approved by:
Mufti Ebrahim Desai
Dārul Iftā, Madrasah In῾āmiyyah

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