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Question Summary:
How do I prevent urine drops while wearing ihram? Can I pray qadā’ prayers after I pray my fard ‘Asr?

Question Detail:

1. InshāAllāh, I will be going for Hajj this year, but I have some issues.  I am not sure whether I am classified as a ma’dhūr or not.  I do know that, after urinating, some drops do come out every so often.  I tend to do wudū’ at every fard salāh.  How should I stay in the state of ihram, as I normally put toilet paper under my undergarments and change before performing wudū’ before every salāh.  Obviously, I will not be wearing any undergarment and, as a result, cannot place toilet paper as it will not just stay there.  I would be grateful if you can kindly help.
2. I am in the process of making up for approximately thirteen years of missed salāh.  Someone told me that I cannot perform the missed qadā’ salāh after ‘Asr.  But, based on the question you have answered for others, my understanding is that you are not allowed to perform any qadā’ salāh only during the times of sunrise, sunset, and zawāl.  Please clarify if you mean around ten minutes for each.  So, can I, for example, pray ‘Asr fard salāh and, after that, perform ‘Asr qadā’ or any other fard qadā’ salāh?  This is sometimes easier to do so, especially during the summer months when the days are longer. 

Answer :




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In the Name of Allāh, the Most Gracious, the Most Mericful
As-salāmu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuh.
1. After relieving yourself, it is necessary for you to practice istibrā’, i.e. taking the appropriate actions to ensure all urine has exited the body.  Some people stand and walk, while others simply shake their lower body.  Different people need to adapt different methods depending on their bodies [i].  Despite istibrā’, if you still experience urine drops, you may use one or more piece of clothing underneath your ihram that is not stitched to the shape of the body [ii].
2. It is permissible to make qadā’ prayers after praying your fard ‘Asr prayer, as long as the makrūh time before sunset has not entered.  This makrūh time starts with the yellowing of the sun such that it loses its intensity, making it easy for one to look directly at it [iii]
And Allāh knows best.
Muftī Abrar Mirza
Chicago, IL (USA)
Under the Supervision of Muftī Ebrahim Desai (South Africa)

[i] والاستبراء واجب حتى يستقر قلبه على انقطاع العود كذا في الظهيرية قال بعضهم يستنجي بعدما يخطو خطوات وقال بعضهم يركض برجله على الأرض ويتنحنح ويلف رجله اليمنى على اليسرى وينزل من الصعود إلى الهبوط والصحيح أن طباع الناس مختلفة فمتى وقع في قلبه أنه تم استفراغ ما في السبيل يستنجي
(الفتاوى الهندية، كتاب الطهارة، الباب السابع، الفصل الثالث: 1/49؛ الفكر)
[ii] (أحسن الفتاوى، كتاب الحج: 4/531؛ سعيد)
[iii] (و) يكره التنفل (بعد صلاة) فرض (العصر) وإن لم تتغير الشمس... فلا يظهر في حق فرض يقضيه
(مراقي الفلاح بحاشية الطحطاوي، كتاب الصلاة، فصل في الأوقات المكروهة: ص 189)


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