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Question Summary:
i want to know difference between lillah ,sadkah and zakat according to hanafi masail.

Question Detail:

asalamualykum !
i want to know  difference between lillah ,sadkah and zakat according to hanafi masail.
please reply me..

Answer :

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
Assalaamu `alaykum waRahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
In brief, zakāh is one of the five pillars of Islām and a means to cleanse one’s wealth.  For those who possess nisāb, it is an obligation to pay 2.5% of their wealth, minus any expenses due, at the end of each lunar year.  Zakāh has to be given in the ownership of needy Muslims who are non-Sayyids (those from the Banī Hāshim lineage). 
On the other hand, sadaqah is any amount of money donated for the pleasure of Allāh and intended for the poor.  However, the term sadaqah also applies to money donated for any noble cause, as well.  It is not necessary to give sadaqah in the ownership of the poor and both, Sayyids and non-Sayyids, are valid recipients of it. 
As for lillāh, it simply means “for [the pleasure of] Allāh.”  It is any good act done with the intention of seeking the pleasure of Allāh Ta’ālā.
And Allah knows best
Wassalaamu `alaykum
Ml. Abrar Mirza,
Student Darul Iftaa

Darul Iftaa, Madrassah In'aamiyyah

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