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 بدائع الصنائع في ترتيب الشرائع, علاء الدين، أبو بكر بن مسعود بن أحمد الكاساني الحنفي, 587هـ, محمد محيي الدين عبد الحميد, دار الكتب العلمية, الثانية، 1406هـ - 1986م, , , 7 [3 98] [فصل في بيان ركن الطلاق] (فصل) : وأما بيان ركن الطلاق فركن الطلاق هو اللفظ الذي جعل دلالة على معنى الطلاق لغة وهو التخلية والإرسال ورفع القيد في الصريح وقطع الوصلة ونحوه في الكناية أو شرعا، وهو إزالة حل المحلية في النوعين أو ما يقوم مقام اللفظ أما اللفظ فمثل أن يقول في الكناية: أنت بائن أو أبنتك أو يقول في الصريح أنت طالق أو طلقتك وما يجري هذا المجرى
 وإذا أضافه إلى شرط وقع عقيب الشرط مثل أن يقول لامرأته: إن دخلت الدار فأنت طالق، وهذا بالاتفاق (الهداية، إدارة القرآن والعلوم الإسلامية، ج٣ ص٢٢٨)
 فحيلة من علق الثلاث بدخول الدار أن يطلقها واحدة ثم بعد العدة تدخلها فتنحل اليمين فينكحها (الدر المختار، سعيد، ج٣ ص ٣٥٥)
فتاوى محمودية، كراجي، ج ١٣ ص ١١٩

Question Summary:
Do these statements constitute divorce?

Question Detail:

Assalammualaikumm ,
I have had many quarrels with my wife in the past, we used to say to each other all sorts of horrible things. My question is during those fights what if I have said something regrettable, I don't remember it now what I have said then. I love my wife very much and in my sane mind I would never even think of giving her a divorce, I am too scared of losing her. Just the word Talaq scares me, but whenever the quarrel starts it is like I am a totally different person in a fit of rage, sometimes I don't even remember why we fought. As far as I can remember I haven't said "I give you divorce",  (1)although I have asked her many times whether she wants a Divorce or not and whenever she has said yes, I told her to go to her parent’s house and sort out their advice first then we will see, (2) I also told her if I ever gave you a divorce then don't blame it on me. Such quarrels happened all the time but after sometime we both used to cool down and things go back to normal, this happens all the time. But thing are better now and we don,t fight like that anymore. What is the Islamic Ruling on this?

Answer :

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
As-salāmu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuh.
It is encouraging to note that your attitude towards each other has changed and you all do not fight like before. We make dua Allah create greater tolerance and more maturity in both of you. According to the explanation of the events by you, your nikah is intact1. Make Shukr for that bounty and preserve it further.
And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best
Ibn Jibran Kadarkhan
Student Darul Iftaa
Checked and Approved by,
Mufti Ebrahim Desai.

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