Question Summary: Do I consider this as Istihadah? Question Detail:
I am having very irregular mensural cycle from the beginning. Usually I will have the mensuration for 7-8 days .For the past 3 months, I didn’t get any periods. But I am having spotting every now and then. In a day, im noticing spotting once. It is a drop of blood or two. But I didn’t notice anything except brownish discharge or sometimes when I wiped with tissue, I found shade of red color. After sometime, it become clear. All this happen in a single day. Again, the next morning, im noticing some spotting.. then brown discharge and then clear, all in one day. Somedays without any spooting, I have only brown discharge. This happened for 7 days. After a week, again I started to have spotting. Please help me how I have to go with my salah? Do I consider this as Istiadah?
Answer :
In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. As-salāmu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuh. In haidh, continuous discharge is not necessary. Therefore, the various spottings and discharges you have been experiencing during your normal monthly cycle will be regarded as haidh. And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best Ismail Dawoodjee Student Darul Iftaa Zambia Checked and Approved by, Mufti Ebrahim Desai. لو زاد الدم على عشرة ايام و لها عادة معروفة دونها ردت الى ايام عادتها و الذى زاد استحاضة (الهداية ج1 ص65 رحمانية) و ان جاوز العشرة فعادتها حيض و ما زاد عليه استحاضة...لان ما رات في ايام حيضها بيقين و ما زاد على العشرة استحاضة بيقين (البدائع ج1 ص158 احياء تراث) لو كانت عادتها خمسة ايام مثلا من اول كل شهر فرات ستة ايم فان السادس حيض ايضا فان طهرت بعد ذالك اربعة عشر يوما ثم رات الدم فانها ترد الى عادتها و هى خمسة و اليوم السادس استحاضة (البحر ج1 ص213 سعيد) Birgivi’s Manual chapter 7 page 57
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