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Question Summary:
Congregational dua after Fardh Salaah.

Question Detail:

Assalaamu - Alaykum 
2 Questions :  
1. During Taraweeh - when mistakes are made, is it fine to have these mistakes rectified in the witr Salaah (once we have checked in the Mushaf) or can the mistakes only be repeated corrected in Taraweeh Salaah? 
2. Dua in congregation after Fardh Salaah - using the comprehensive article that Mufti Ebrahim Saab has put together regarding congregatational dua after Salaah - I have stopped from making congregational dua at my Musallah whenever I am Imaam - in Ramadhaan though - some of the murmurings I have heard from Musallees is that its the month of dua, yet we don't make dua, neither after Fardh Salaah, nor after Taraweeh Salaah.   Question is, how do I respond to the musallees, some of whom quote Mufti AK Hoosen who apparently said that the practice of Nabi S.A.W was to sometimes make congregational dua, and sometimes not.  I would appreciate guidance on how to respond to the musalles with the correct level of Hikmah and compassion.  

Answer :

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
As-salāmu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuh.
You refer to two issues in your query:
(1)  Mistakes in the taraweeh salaah.
(2)  Congregational dua after Fardh Salaah.

  • 1.              It is Sunnah to complete the entire recitation of the Quraan in taraweeh. [i] 
  • The mistakes made in taraweeh Salaah should be corrected in taraweeh Salaah to ensure complete recitation of the Quraan in taraweeh.

  • 2.             The issue of congregational dua after Salaah is not about doing it continuously or occasionally. It may be done continuously or occasionally.
  • However, one should not regard congregational dua after Salaah as compulsory.
    Take note of Mufti sahib’s comments in the article in reference.
    Firstly, educate the congregation before making any changes. You know your congregation better and how best you could educate them on the issue.
    It is not hikmah to stop the dua completely without educating your congregation as that may lead to fitnah.
    And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best
    Muhammad IV Patel
    Student Darul Iftaa
    Lusaka, Zambia
    Checked and Approved by,
    Mufti Ebrahim Desai.

    الاختيار لتعليل المختار (1/ 69) [i]

    (وَالسُنَّةُ خَتْمُ الْقُرْآنِ فِي التَّرَاوِيحِ مَرَّةً وَاحِدَةً)


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