Question Summary: Can the agent between two parties take a fee from an investor? Question Detail:
A deal would be found either by an online listing or for sale sign. I would compare what the seller of the property is asking for with how much the market value is, which would be estimated using real estate websites. I would then contact the investors informing him about the deal. If there is enough potential profit and the investor finds the deal worth while, I would be paid a finder’s fee, e.g. : $500 or so paid out by check or cash by the investor. The investor would contact the seller and go through the entire purchase process. Is this permissible? Basically all I would be doing is informing the investor of the deal, so I wouldn’t know if the investor is using interest or not for the purchase of the property.
Answer :
In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. As-salāmu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuh. According to our understanding of your query, you are an agent of potential investors in purchasing properties. You are offered an agency fee. You find suitable properties and after having conducted a profitability study, you inform the investor who would consider the deal. If the deal was successfully concluded you would receive an agency fee according to your agreement. If our understanding of your query is correct, then it is permissible for an agent to earn agency fees[1] on condition the fee is stipulated by amount or on a sound mechanism in which there is no ambiguity, for example percentage on the purchase price. The payment for the purchase of the property has no bearing on the permissibility of your agency fees.[2] However if you are aware of a Muslim investor dealing in interest, you should avoid identifying properties for him. Allah Ta’ala says in the Quran: “And do not assist each other in sin and transgression.” (Surah Ma'idah , verse 2)
And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best Ismail Dawoodjee Student, Darul Iftaa Zambia Checked and Approved by, Mufti Ebrahim Desai.
[1] سئل محمد بن سلمة عن اجرة سمسار فقال ارجو انه لا بأس به و إن كان في الأصل فاسداً لكثرة التعامل و كثير من هذا غير جائزفجوزوه لحاجة الناس اليه (رد المحتار ، ج6 ، ص 63 ، سعيد )
و اذا اخذ السمسار اجر مثله هل يطيب له ذلك قال الشيخ المعروف بخواهرزاده يطيب له ذلك (تاتارخانية، ج 15 ، ص135 ، زكريا)
و اذا باع الدلال ضيعة رجل بامره فقال صاحب الضيعة بعتها بغير اجر و قال الدلال لا بل بعت باجر فان كان هذا الدلال معروفا بانه يبيع اموال الناس باجر فانه لا يصدق الامر على دعواه ويجب اجر المثل (المحيط ، ج 12 ، ص 118 )
Fatawa Mahmoodiyah, vol 25, p 292 (maktaba mahmoodiyah)
Fatawa Raheemiya, vol910, p299 (darul ishaat)
[2] Fatawa Mahmoodiyah, vol 24, p428 (maktaba mahmoodiyah)