Question Summary: Can Salaah be performed with shoes on in normal conditions? Question Detail:
what is the ruling on performing prayers with shoes on? A friend mentioned that there is a hadith that states the prophet and sahabah performed salah with shoes in normal conditions. I am very confused because I see her performing prayers sometimes with shoes on.
Answer :
In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. As-salāmu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuh. If one performs salah with shoes on and there is no impurity on the shoes, the salah will be valid.[1] However, it is advisable not to perform salah in shoes if there is no dire need to do so, as performing salah in shoes especially the shoes of today may compromise the sunnat posture in sajdah and jalsa (sitting posture). A dire situation is for example the ground is muddy or one is in a forest and it is a thorny ground. Abu Ali ad-Dagestani Student Darul Iftaa Moscow, Russia Checked and Approved by, Mufti Ebrahim Desai
رفع الاشتباه عن مسألتي كشف الرؤوس ولبس النعال في الصلاة للكوثري
قال اللكنوي في غاية المقال فيما يتعلق بالنعال: فقال: ٍلَمَّا لم تكره الصَّلاة متنعلاً مع كونها أرفع العبادات، لا تكره زيارة القبور متنعلاً بالطريق الأولى ص447
قال في المحيط البرهاني: وكان يقول البلوى إنما تكون في النعال والنعال مما يمكن خلعها، وقد اعتاد الناس خلع النعال، وليس فيه كثير ضرورة والصلاة بغير النعل أحمد، والكثير الفاحش فيه يمنع جواز الصلاة.
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