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Question Summary:
Proof for the Prophet being alive in the grave, what is Imam Bukhari’s/Muslim’s maslak?

Question Detail:

Asalamualaikum Warahmatulahi Wabarakatu 1)I told My Friend That Prophet Saw is Alive in his grave. My Friend Wants The Proof From Quran & Authentic For The Nabi Sallalahu Alahi wasalam Being Alive in his Blessed Grave.Please Provide The Proof From Quran & Authentic hadees. Jazak Allahu Khairan Kaseeran. 2)I heard that Imam Bukhari ra & Imam Muslim ra are the Muqallid & Followers Of Imam Shafi ra. Is this is true.....If true please explain with the proof. Jazak Allahu Khairan Kaseeran

Answer :

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
As-salāmu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuh.
1)     The bodies of the Prophets are preserved and remain intact in the grave. This is mentioned by the Prophet Sallāhu Alayhi Wasallam himself and is authentically proven. The Prophets are also alive in their graves.
We do not know the reality and exact nature of the life of the Prophets alayhis salām in their graves. However, it is mentioned in the Hadith that when a person comes to visit the Prophet Sallāhu Alayhi Wasallam and greets Rasulullah Sallāhu Alayhi Wasallam, he (Rasulullah) hears the greeting and also replies to the greeting. When a person sends greetings to Rasulullah Sallāhu Alayhi Wasallam from far, the angels carry that Salāms and convey it to Rasulullah Sallāhu Alayhi Wasallam.[1]
For further details (proof) please refer to the link below prepared by Mufti Ebrahim Desai Sahib:
2)     Imām Muslim was not an Māliki nor a Hanafi nor a Shafi. Compilation of the Sahih Muslim shows that he was more inclined towards the Shafī School of thought.[2]
Various scholars have different opinion about Imām Bukhari Rahmatulllah alayh’s mazhab, some are mentioned hereunder:
1)     According to ibn Taimiyyah (R.A), Imām Bukhari Rahmatulllah alayh was a mujtahid and an independent Imām.
2)     Allama Taqiuddeen Subki has regarded him as a Shafi because he was the student of Humaidi, who was a Shafi. This conclusion is not correct because then Imām Bukhari Rahmatulllah alayh should be regarded as a Hanafi in view of Ishāq ibn Rāhway, Imām Bukhari Rahmatulllah alayh’s  Teacher, being a student of Abdullah Ibn Mubārak Rahmatulllah alayh  and Abdullah Ibn Mubārak Rahmatulllah alayh  was a Hanafi.
3)     Ibn Qayym (R.A.) says Imām Bukhari Rahmatulllah alayh, Muslim and Abu Dawood were strong followers of Imām Ahmed ibn Hambal.
After studing and closely looking at Imām Bukhari Rahmatulllah alayh, pone will realize that Imām Bukhari Rahmatulllah alayh did not follow any one Imām, he has his independent views on many issues, therefore Allama Anwar Shah Kashmiri (R.A.) and Sheikh Zakaria(R.A.) have the same view as that of Allamah Taimiyyah that Imām Bukhari Rahmatulllah alayh  is a mujtahid.
Muhaddise-Kabir Wa Sheikh-u- Ulamā Hadhrat Moulana Fazlur Rahman Sahib Dāmat Barakātuhum, Shaikul Hadith of Darul Uloom Azaadville is of the opinion that Imām Bukhari Rahmatulllah alayh‘s Usools (fundamental principles) are not known, it is difficult to regard him as an independent Imām and mujtahid.
Hadhrat Mufti Ebrahim Desai Sahib’s view is that not knowing the Usool of any Imām is not the criteria to disqualify him from being a mujtahid, just as there were many other mujtahids other than the famous and commonly known four Imāms. Their Usool are not known, but they were mujtahids or else it would mean that there were only four mujtahids in this Ummat. Yes, one may say that since the Usools of Imām Bukhari Rahmatulllah alayh are not known, he cannot be followed, just as we cannot follow for eg. Sufyan Sawri, Sufyan Uyaina, etc.[3]
And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best
Mufti Zaid Mohammed Shelia,
Student Darul Iftaa

Checked and Approved by,
Mufti Ebrahim Desai.

[1]   الحاوى الفتاوى 2/ 178 دار الفكر

فتاوی محمودیہ 1/528 فاروقیہ

المهند على المفند 35 قديمى كتب خانه

[2]   كان الامام مسلم رحمه الله فقيها على طريقة المحدثين وكتب الامام مسلم وان كانت حديثية الا ان الناظر فى كتابه الصحيح يدرك انه كان عالما بالفقه متقنا لمسائل الخلاف ولذا قال عنه ابن حجر فى التقريب عالم بالفقه واما ابن ابى يعلى فعده من فقهاء الحنابلة وترجم له فى طبقات الحنابلة واماحاجى خليفة والدهلوى فذكرا انه من فقهاء الشافعية والصواب انه من فقهاء اهل الحديث المعتمدين على الدليل النابذين للتقليد..شرح النووى 1/ 13 دار الفوئد

کشف الباری 1/143 مکتبہ فاروقیہ

[3]  کشف الباری 1/142 مکتبہ فاروقیہ

Imām Bukhari Rahmatulllah alayh and his famous Al-Jāmius Sahih written by Mufti Ebrahim Desai Sahib, hereunder is the link to the book:


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