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Question Summary:
If a person were to die in a state of doing haraam e.g listening to music, at a music concert, would a person die with or without imaan?….On the day of judgement will we be called after our mother or fathers name?….Is it permissable to work at an electronic store that sells tv’s, computers, cameras,appliances , dvd’s?

Question Detail:

1) If a person were to die in a state of doing haraam e.g listening to music, at a music concert, would a person die with or without imaan?
2) On the day of judgement will we be called after our mother or fathers name?
3) Is it permissable to work at an electronic store that sells tv's, computers, cameras,appliances , dvd's?

Answer :

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
Assalaamu `alaykum waRahmatullahi Wabarakatoh
A) Music is indeed a major sin. However, according to the aqeedah of the Ahlus sunnah wal jamaah, a sinful person is still a muslim. If he dies without making taubah, he would still be regarded and treated as a Muslim. Therefore all the laws pertaining to a Muslim deceased (ghusl, janazah etc) would also be applicable to him.
و الكبيرة لا تخرج العبد من الايمان و لا تدخله في الكفر....اذا لم تكن عن استحلال و الاستحلال كفر (متن العقائد النسفية 107 كتب خانه امدادية)
 و لا يقضي بكفر و ارتداد     بعهر او بقتل و اختزال
(بدء الامالي 319 العلمية)
B)  Nabi (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) has said:
تدعون يوم القيامة باسمائكم واسماء آباءكم فاحسنوا اسماءكم (رواه احمد و ابو داود)
“You would be called on the day of judgement by your names and your fathers names, so beautify your names” (Mishkaat 408 Qadeemy kutub khana)
However, In Tabrani there is another hadith which suggests that people will be called by their mother’s names. In reconciliation, some commentators mention that at times a person would be called by father’s name, and at other times he’ll be called by his mother’s name. (Footnotes of Abu Dawood 320) Allamah Alqamy (R.A) mentions that this could refer to illegitimate children. Or perhaps some people will be called by their father’s names while others will be called by their mother’s. (ibid, Imdad ul ahkaam 4/466 with reference to Aun)
C) In principle, it is permissible to sell items which have dual or multiple purposes like cameras, radios etc. The sin will be on the customer if he uses the item for impermissible actions.
However, it is prohibited to sell those items which are only or commonly used for sin like televisions etc as this is will be assisting in sin. (Ahsanul fatawa 6/537)  
You may work in those departments of the store where only the permissible items are sold. If this is not possible, it would not be permissible to work at the store. If no alternate employment is found, then as a last resort, you make work at this store and continuously make istighfaar. You should also constantly be on the look out for any alternate employment.
And Allah knows best
Ml. Ismail Moosa,
Student Darul Iftaa

Checked and Approved by:
Mufti Ebrahim Desai
Darul Iftaa, Madrassah In'aamiyyah

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