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Question Summary:
i want2 convert 2 islam i am a single child & my father has passed away 3yrs ago..so i am soloely responsible for my mother…my mother is till going 2 follow hinduism..wat does islam allow regardin this house issue…?once i convert 2 islam..i have read that being muslim i cannot attend hindu funerals nemore..??

Question Detail:

i am 23yrs old male,frm hindu caste..i have af ew ques..

1)i want2 convert 2 islam i am a single child & my father has passed away 3yrs ago..so i am soloely responsible for my mother ..)after i convert, i wish 2 marry a muslim girl.  After marriage ...myself & my wife being muslim & my mother being a hindu..how do i live in the same house ..since i mentioned i am soley responsible for my mother how do i live with my wife a muslim life in a hindu house ...as my mother is till going 2 follow hinduism..wat does islam allow regardin this house issue...?
2)once i convert 2 islam..i have read that being muslim i cannot attend hindu funerals nemore..but i really want 2 know...that inshallah once i convert ...am i allowed 2 do the hindu funeral rituals for my mother's funeral as i am the only family member she has? (may she live long)..  i really want  to know abt this as she is my only family
.. pls awaiting ur reply...

Answer :

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
Assalaamu `alaykum waRahmatullahi Wabarakatoh

  • You may live with her in the same house. Obviously, Islam does not allow you to abandon your parents regardless of their religious persuasions. However, due to a clash of religions, there may be conflict at times. Be very polite to her and encourage her to convert as well.
  • No, you are not allowed to attend her funeral nor are you permitted to administer the funeral rites. Let someone else do it. Furthermore, cremation is prohibited in Islam, regardless of the religion of the person.
  • And Allah knows best
    Mufti Ebrahim Desai
    Darul Iftaa, Madrassah In'aamiyyah

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