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Question Summary:
Authenticity of this Narration

Question Detail:

Assalamo Alaykum Dear Respected Mufti Sahib 
I heard a hadees from a scholar with so much fazeelat that I thought should be part of every Muslim daily wazeefa. I want to know the authencity of it. whether one can act upon it and pass it to other Muslim brothers and sisters.
The Meaning more or less is that Prophet Muhammad Peace be upon him told Hazrat Fatima RA that when you finish witr prayers make 2 Sojdah's and in the first Sajdah say 5 times [Sub-boohon qodooson rabul malaekate war-rooh] then go to jalsah and recite Ayatul Kursi and then go to Sajdah again and then do same thing as in first Sajdah. The reward is maghfirat before you go up from Sajdah, 100 hajj , 100 Umrah and 100 martyr sawab and you can  do shafat for more then 60 people for whom jahanum is Wajib and when you die you will wake up amongst martyrs. 
Jazakallaho khair for your work.
your brother in Islam Basir Sangerwal  

Answer :

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
As-salāmu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuh.
Hereunder is the narration in reference;
عن البنى صلى الله عليه وسلم انه قال لفاطمة رضي الله عنها ما من مؤمن ولا مؤمنة يسجد بعد الوتر سجدتين يقول في سجوده خمس مرات "سبوح قدوس رب الملائكة والروح" ثم يرفع رأسه ويقرأ اية الكرسي مرة ثم يسجد ويقول فى سجوده خمس مرات "سبوح قدوس رب الملائكة والروح" والذى نفس محمد بيده انه لا يقوم من مقامك حتى يغفر له وأعطاه ثواب مائة حجة ومائة عمرة وأعطاه الله ثواب الشهداء وبعث الله اليه الف ملك يكتبون له الحسنات وكأنما اعتق مائة رقبة واستجاب الله تعالى دعائه ويشفع يوم القيامة فى ستين من أهل النار
It has been narrated from Rasulullah (صلى الله عليه وسلم) that he said to Fatima (رضي الله عنها), “Any believing man or woman who prostrates twice after Witr and says in his sajdah ‘سبوح قدوس رب الملائكة والروح’ five times, thereafter gets up and recites ayatul kursi once, and prostrates again and repeats ‘سبوح قدوس رب الملائكة والروح’ five more times. I swear on the Being who holds the life of Muhammad in His Hand, he will not stand from his place except that Allah has forgiven his sins, given him the reward of one-hundred Hajj, one-hundred Umrah, the reward of the martyrs. Allah will depute one-thousand angels to write good deeds on his behalf and it will be as if he freed a hundred slaves. Allah answers all of his duas and will accept his intercession on behalf of seventy people from the fire.” [1]
This narration has been classified as fabricated and should not be transmitted or acted upon.[2]
In principle, one should use a book of Hadith to pass a ruling on Hadith. We have conducted an extensive research on this narration from the books of Ahadith in our possession. However, we were unable to locate the narration or any reference of it. Ibrahim Al-Halabi (d.956), a Faqih (jurist) who was also a master in Hadith has commented on this narration in غنية المتملى.
Maula Taqiuddin ibn Abdul Qadir At-Tamimi (d.1005) writes in At-Tabaqaat As-Sunniyyah fi Tarajim Al-Hanafiyyah (p.222) regarding Ibrahim Al-Halabi;
وانه كان ماهرا فى العلوم العربية والتفسير والحديث وعلوم القراءات والفقه
Translation: Undoubtedly, he was a master in the Arabic language, Tafseer, Hadith, Qira’aat, and Fiqh.
If any Alim comes across this narration in their research, kindly forward it to us.
It should also be noted that the Fuqaha have quoted many Ahadith in books of Fiqh that are not recorded in books of Ahadith. Such Ahadith cannot be simply discarded. Apart from many reasons for many Ahadith not being recorded in books of Ahadith, it should also be noted that many Fuqaha were also masters in Hadith as in the case of Ibrahim Al-Halabi (رحمة الله عليه). The attitude of absolute negation of Ahadith recorded in books of Fiqh is also incorrect and due to not understanding the level of the Faqih’s academic level.
And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best
Saad Haque
Student Darul Iftaa
New Jersey, USA 
Checked and Approved by,
Mufti Ebrahim Desai.

[1] الفتاوي التاترخانية جلد٢ ص٣٤٦ مكتبة زكريا بديوبند الهند

ذكر فى تعليقه بشبير احمد القاسمى "لم اجد هذا الحديث فى كتب الاحاديث التى عندى"

[2] غنية المتملى – حلبى الكبير ص٦١٧ مكتبة رشيدية

فحديث موضوع باطل لا اصل له ولا يجوز العمل به ولا نقله الا لبيان بطلانه كما هو شأن الاحاديث الموضوعة ويدل على وضعه ركاكته والمبالغة الغير الموافقة للشرع والعقل فان الاجر على قدر المسقة شرعا وعقلا وافضل الأعمال احمزها وإنما قصد بعض الملحدين بمثل هذا الحديث إفساد الدين واضلال الخلق واغرائهم بالفسق وتثبيطهم عن الجد فى العبادة فيغتر به بعض من ليس له خبرة بعلوم الحديث وطرقه ولا ملكة يميز بها بين صحيحه وسقيمه  

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