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Question Summary:
Are women allowed to become barbers?

Question Detail:

Are women allowed to become barbers and cut hair and do hairstyles?

Answer :

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
As-salāmu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuh.
In principle, women are allowed to become barbers/cosmetologists on condition they provide their services from the confines of their home or a secluded place where intermingling with non-Mahram men is not possible. A female barber/cosmetologist may provide the following services:

  • Cutting the hair of young non-Baligh boys who do not show signs of puberty.[1]
  • Trimming the hair of young non-Baligh girls who do not show signs of puberty.  
  • Various hairdressing/hairstyling needs such as:
    1. Styling hair (in normal styles and not those styles that imitate the Kuffar and immoral).
    2. Relaxing, shampooing, and conditioning hair.[2]
    3. Dyeing and highlighting the hair natural colors (e.g. brown, red etc.).[3]
    4. Applying hair extensions and wigs. [4] To do so would be permissible as long as:
      1. The hair is not human hair.
      2. The hair is not pig hair.
      3. The hair may be synthetic or from any other animal (aside from pig).
      4. The hair is of a natural color (e.g. brown, red etc.).[a] 
      5. Various beauty and health services such as:
        1. Apply make-up.
        2. Provide facial treatments.
        3. Provide manicures/pedicures.
        4. Waxing
  • Offering such services would be recommended as it would provide a halal alternative to women. A female barber/cosmetologist should also take measures to ensure that her own Mahrams do not intermingle and interact with her female clients.
    Furthermore, a female barber/cosmetologist cannot provide the following services:

  • Cutting the hair of men or boys approaching puberty.
  • Cutting or trimming the hair of women or girls approaching puberty.[5]
  • Fashion the hair of women in styles which imitate the Kuffar and immoral.
  • Dyeing and highlighting the hair (or applying hair extensions and wigs) unnatural colors (e.g. blue, green etc.).[6][b]
  • One must also take utmost precaution to refrain from products containing Haram ingredients.
    And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best
    Abdullah ibn Mohammed Aijaz
    Student Darul Iftaa
    Baltimore, USA 
    Checked and Approved by,
    Mufti Ebrahim Desai.

    [a] Note: Dying and highlighting the hair pure black is impermissible.

    [b] Note: Dyeing the hair unnatural colors (blue, green etc.) was unanimously prohibited by the Jamiatul Muftiyeen.

    رد المحتار - ط. بابي الحلبي (3/ 35) [1]

    المراهق كالبالغ


    الدر المختار وحاشية ابن عابدين (رد المحتار) (6/ 756) [3]

    استحباب خضاب الشيب للرجل والمرأة بصفرة أو حمرة وتحريم خضابه بالسواد على الأصح لقوله


    المحيط البرهاني في الفقه النعماني (5/ 377) [4]

    وإذا حلقت المرأة شعرها؛ فإن حلقت لوجع أصابها فلا بأس به، وإن حلقت تشبهاً بالرجال فهو مكروه، وهي ملعونة على لسان صاحب الشرع، وإذا وصلت المرأة شعر غيرها بشعرها فهو مكروه، قال عليه السلام: «لعن الله الواصلة والمستوصلة» هي التي تصل شعر امرأة بشعر امرأة أخرى، وإنما جاءت الرخصة في شعر غير بني آدم، تتخذه المرأة، ويزيد في قرونها، هكذا ذكر في «النوازل»

    الدر المختار شرح تنوير الأبصار وجامع البحار (ص: 664) [5]

    وفيه: قطعت شعر رأسها أثمت ولعنت.

    زاد في البزازية: وإن بإذن الزوج لا طاعة لمخلوق في معصية الخالق، ولذا يحرم على الرجل قطع لحيته،

    المحيط البرهاني في الفقه النعماني (5/ 377)

    وإذا حلقت المرأة شعرها؛ فإن حلقت لوجع أصابها فلا بأس به، وإن حلقت تشبهاً بالرجال فهو مكروه، وهي ملعونة على لسان صاحب الشرع


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