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Question Summary:
Are the following narrations from Ihya al-Uloom of Imam Ghazzali authentic?

Question Detail:

In book by the great Imam Ghazzali: Ihya Uloom Ed-Din. Volume 4, Page-4.430;“According to Prophet Muhammad (صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم) the Hurs (Houris) of Paradise will be pure women—free of menstruation, urine, stool, cough and children. The Hurs will sing in Paradise on divine purity and praise—we are most beautiful Hurs and we are for the honored husbands. Muhammad also said that an inmate of Paradise will have the sexual strength of 70 men. Muhammad said, “An inmate of Paradise will have 500 Hurs, 4,000 unmarried women and 8,000 widowed women. Each of them will keep embracing him for the duration of his whole worldly life.”Volume 4, Page-4.428 of the same book: The Prophet Muhammad (صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم) said once to Jaber: “Shall I not give you the news of the windows of Paradise ? We said: 0 Messenger of God give us that information. He said: Those are made of emeralds and jewels. Their inner parts will be seen from their outer parts. Therein there will be such enjoyments, amusements and joys as no eye has seen, no ear has heard and no heart has conceived. I said: 0 Messenger of God, who will be the owners of those windows? He said: Those who spread peace, give food, keep fasts, pray at night when the people remain asleep. We asked: 0 Messenger of God, who will be able to do that? He said: My people will be able to do that. I am saying it to you. He who meets his brother, salutes him and replies to his salute,’ spreads peace; and he who gives food to his wife and members of his family to their satisfaction gives food. He, who keeps fast of Ramazan and three days every month, keeps fast as it were for the whole year. He who prays Isha and Fajr in congregation prays as it were the whole night when the people remain asleep. God says: The fine buildings in Eden Paradise.’ The Prophet said regarding its meanings: These places are builts of emeralds and jewels and in each building there will be 70 rooms of red colour and in each room 70 sub-rooms of green colour and in each sub-room there will be one throne and over each throne 70 beds of varied colours and on each bed a hoor al-ayn (houri- a girl having wide lovely eyes with intense black irises). There will be 70 dining cloth in each room and 70 kinds of food in each dining cloth. There will be seven girls in each room.Each believer will be given such strength in the morning as he can cohabit with them”.


Answer :

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
As-salāmu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuh.
There are, in total, six narrations you refer to in the question:
Narration no. 1
“The Hurs of Paradise will be pure women—free of menstruation, stool, urine, saliva, cough, female-ejaculation and children[1]
This is not a hadith of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) but part of commentary of the Qur`an rendered by Mujahid (may Allah have mercy on him) and recorded by Ibn al-Mubarak in az-Zuhd [243] and Sunan al-Baihaqi in al-Ba`th wa an-Nushur [350].
This statement is authentic and it is supported by various companions of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and commentators of Qur`an like Abu Saeed al-Khudri, Abdullah ibn Abbas, Abdullah ibn Mas`ud, Ata and Qatadah (may Allah be pleased with them all). [Ithaf al-Sadah al-Muttaqin bi Sharh Ihya Uloom ad-Din, 10: 545, Dar al-Fikr]
Narration no.2
“The Hurs will sing in Paradise: we are most beautiful Hurs and we are concealed for the honoured husbands[2]
This Prophetic narration is also recorded by Ibn Abi ad-Dunya in Sifat al-Jannah [249], al-Bayhaqi in al-Ba`th wa an-Nushur [369] and at-Tabrani in al-Awsat [4914].
The narration is acceptable and has also been attributed to Anas (may Allah be pleased with him)[3]. [Ithaf al-Sadah al-Muttaqin bi Sharh Ihya Uloom ad-Din, 10: 547, Dar al-Fikr] 
Narration no.3
 “An inmate of Paradise will be given in a single day the sexual strength of more than 70 men from amongst you[4]
This Prophetic saying is recorded by Abu Nu`aym in Ma`rifat as-Sahabah [2: 972-3] and al-Bayhaqi in al-Ba`th wa an-Nushur [3551].
This narration is acceptable[Ithaf as-Sadah al-Muttaqin bi Sharh Ihya Uloom ad-Din, 10: 545, Dar al-Fikr] and collaborated by various other reports including a narration recorded by at-Tirmidhi in Sunan at-Tirmidhi [2536] that, “the prophet (peace be upon him) said, “A believer in Paradise will be given the sexual strength of such and such.” He (peace be upon him) was asked, “Will he be able of that?” He (peace be upon him) replied, “He [the inmate of Paradise] will be given the strength of 100 men”.
Narration no.4
“An inmate of Paradise will have 500 Hurs, 4,000 virgins and 8,000 widowed women. He will keep embracing each of them for the duration of his whole worldly life[5]
This report is also attributed to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and recorded by Ibn Abi ad-Dunya in Sifat al-Jannah [266] and by al-Bayhaqi in al-Ba`th wa an-Nushur [364].
Hafidh al-Iraqi states that this narration is weak[6]. [Ithaf al-Sadah al-Muttaqin bi Sharh Ihya Uloom ad-Din, 10: 546, Dar al-Fikr] 
Narration no.5
It is recorded by Abu Nu`aym in al-Hilyah [2: 356] and al-Bayhaqi in al-Ba`th wa an-Nushur [243] that:
Jabir (may Allah be pleased with him) states, “Allah`s Messenger (peace be upon him) said to us: “Shall I not give you the news of the rooms of Paradise?” He says, “We said: O Messenger of Allah, may our parents be sacrificed for you, Do inform us.” He said, “All the rooms in Paradise are [built] of different kinds of jewels. Their inner parts will be seen from their outer parts and their outer parts will be seen from their inner parts. Therein there will be such enjoyments, amusements and joys as no eye has seen, no ear has heard and no heart has conceived”. I said, “O Messenger of Allah, who will be the owners of those rooms?” He said, “Those who spread peace, give food, continue to fast, pray at night when the people remain asleep.” He says, “We asked, “O Messenger of Allah, who will be able to do that?” He said, “My ummah (nation) will be able to do that. I am saying it to you. He who meets his brother, greets him with salaam and replies to his salaam, spreads peace; and he who gives food to his wife and members of his family to their satisfaction, gives food. He, who keeps fast of Ramadhan and three days of every month, continues to fast. He who prays Isha and Fajr in congregation, prays at night when the people remain asleep[7].
This narration is also supported by various other chains and thus it is reliable[8]. The author of Ithaf al-Sadah al-Muttaqin bi Sharh Ihya Ulom ad-Din [10: 530, Dar al-Fikr] explains:
هذا الحديث وإن كان ضعيفا إلا أنه روي من طرق يقوّي بعضها بعضا
Translation: This narration, albeit it is weak, has been narration from other roots, some which strengthen others.
Narration no.6
The Prophet was asked regarding the statement of Allah, “The fine buildings in Eden Paradise.” The Prophet replied, “[These] palaces [are built] of pearls and in each building there will be 70 rooms of red rubies and in each room 70 sub-rooms of green emeralds and in each sub-room there will be one throne and over each throne 70 beds of varied colours and on each bed a hur al-ayn. There will be 70 table spreads in each room and 70 kinds of food in each table spread. There will be 70 maids in each room. Each believer will be given such strength in the morning as he can cohabit with each of them[9].
This narration is recorded by al-Bayhaqi in al-Ba`th wa an-Nushur [245]. The same narration mentioned by Ibn Abi ad-Dunya in Sifat al-Jannah [177] and al-Bazzar in Musnad al-Bazzar [3563] adds, “And in each room there will be 70 sub-rooms of green emerald, and in each sub-room there will be seventy thrones”.
This narration is claimed to be a fabricated by Allama Suyuti in al-La`ali al-Masnu`ah fi al-Ahadith al-Mawdhu`ah [2: 376][10] and incorrect by Hafidh al-Iraqi[11]
And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best
Hanif Yusuf Patel
Student Darul Iftaa

Checked and Approved by,
Mufti Ebrahim Desai.


[1] Ihya Uloom ad-Din li al-Imam al-Ghazali, 9: 619, Dar al-Minhaj; Ibid, 2: 1930, Dar as-Salam; Ithaf as-Sadah al-Muttaqin bi Sharh Ihya Uloom ad-Din, 10: 545, Dar al-Fikr]

[2] Ihya Uloom ad-Din li al-Imam al-Ghazali, 9: 620, Dar al-Minhaj; Ibid, 2: 1926, Dar as-Salam; Ithaf as-Sadah al-Muttaqin bi Sharh Ihya Uloom ad-Din, 10: 547, Dar al-Fikr]

[3] وفيه الحسن بن داود بن المنكدر . قال البخاري: يتكلمون فيه وقال ابن عدي: أرجوا أنه لا بأس به.

[Ibid, 2: 1930, Dar as-Salam]

قلت ورواه أيضا من هذا الطريق سمويه في فوائده والحسن بن داود بن محمد بن المنكدر أبو محمد المدني روى عن عبد الرزاق والمعتمر روي له النسائ وإبن ماجة وقد تكلم في سماعه عن المعتمر مات سنة سبع وأربعين وقال أبو بكر بن أبي شيبة حدثنا شبابة بن سوار عن ابن أبي ذئب عمن سمع أنسا يقول إن الحور العين في الجنة ليغنين يقلن نحن الخيرلت الحسان خبئنا لأزواج كرام

[Ithaf as-Sadah al-Muttaqin bi Sharh Ihya Uloom ad-Din, 10: 547, Dar al-Fikr] 

[4] Ihya Uloom ad-Din li al-Imam al-Ghazali, 9: 619, Dar al-Minhaj; Ibid, 2: 1930, Dar as-Salam; Ithaf as-Sadah al-Muttaqin bi Sharh Ihya Uloom ad-Din, 10: 530, Dar al-Fikr]

[5] [Ihya Uloom ad-Din li al-Imam al-Ghazali, 9: 620, Dar al-Minhaj; Ibid, 2: 1930, Dar as-Salam; Ithaf as-Sadah al-Muttaqin bi Sharh Ihya Uloom ad-Din, 10: 546, Dar al-Fikr]

[6] Ibid, 2: 1930, Dar as-Salam; 10: 546, Dar al-Fikr

[7]  [Ihya Uloom ad-Din li al-Imam al-Ghazali, 9: 607-8, Dar al-Minhaj;  Ibid, 2: 1926, Dar as-Salam; Ithaf as-Sadah al-Muttaqin bi Sharh Ihya Uloom ad-Din, 10: 530, Dar al-Fikr]

[8] قال العراقي رواه أبو نعيم من رواية الحسن عن جابر اه قلت ورويناه في جزء ابن السماك ورواه البيهقي وضعفه إبن عدي لكن أقام له إبن القيم شواهد يعتضد بها وقال صاحب حادى القلوب بعد أن أورده من فوائد إبن السماك هذا الحديث وإن كان ضعيفا إلا أنه روي من طرق يقوّي بعضها بعضا

[Ithaf as-Sadah al-Muttaqin bi Sharh Ihya Uloom ad-Din, 10: 530, Dar al-Fikr]

[9] سئل رسول الله - صلّى الله عليه وسلم - عن قوله عز وجل: (ومساكن طيبة في جنات عدن قال قصور من لؤلؤ في كل قصر سبعون داراً من ياقوتة حمراء في كل دار سبعون بيتاً من زمرد أخضر في كل بيت سرير على كل سرير سبعون فراشاً من كل لون على كل فراش زوجة من الحور العين في كل بيت سبعون مائدة على كل مائدة سبعون لوناً من الطعام في كل بيت سبعون وصيفة ويعطى المؤمن في كل غداة يعني من القوّة ما يأتي على ذلك أجمع).

 [Ihya Uloom ad-Din li al-Imam al-Ghazali, 9: 608, Dar al-Minhaj; Ibid, 2: 1926, Dar as-Salam; Ithaf as-Sadah al-Muttaqin bi Sharh Ihya Uloom ad-Din, 10: 530, Dar al-Fikr]


[10] موضوع. جسر ليس بشيئ

[al-La’ālī al-Masnu`ah fī ‘l-Ahādīth al-Mawdhū`ah, 2: 376, Dar al-Kutub al-Ilmiyyah]

[11] قال العراقي: رواه أبو الشيخ في العظمة والآجري في كتاب الصحبة من رواية الحسن بن خليفة عن الحسن قال سألت أبا هريرة وعمران بن حصين عن هذه الآية ولا يصح والحسن بن خليفة لم يعرف ابن أبي حاتم والحسن البصري لم يسمع من أبي هريرة على قول الجمهور أهـ.

قلت: وفي كتاب الآجري زيادة عما هنا في كل بيت سبعون سريراً وفي كل بيت سبعون وصيفاً ووصيفة.

[Ihya Uloom ad-Din li al-Imam al-Ghazali, 2: 1926, Dar as-Salam; Ithaf as-Sadah al-Muttaqin bi Sharh Ihya Uloom ad-Din, 10: 530, Dar al-Fikr]

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