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Question Summary:
Are corneal transplants permissible?

Question Detail:

I would like to know regarding organ transplants and donors according to Islam, is it permissible or not?One of the reasons is that I underwent a few cornea transplants and Alhamdulillah with my cornea transplant I underwent last year I can start seeing, in fact I now have 20/20 vision in one eye after 21 years and one of my cousins  mentioned it is not allowed to donate organs or have a transplant done and if was meant for me not to see then that is Allah’s will…

Answer :

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
As-salamu  ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullahi wa-barakatuh.
Corneal transplantation, also known as corneal grafting, is a surgical procedure where a damaged or diseased cornea is replaced by donated corneal tissue (the graft) in its entirety or in part. The graft is taken from a recently deceased individual with no known diseases or other factors that may affect the viability of the donated tissue or the health of the recipient.1
We also contacted Doctor Cassim Moola , a practicing ophthalmologist to get more insight on corneal transplants.
The honorable doctor confirmed that corneal transplants take place through a bequest by the donor to donate his cornea upon his demise. As such, corneal transplants fall in the category of organ transplants.
In view of recent medical researches and findings, contemporary Fuqaha(Jurists) have discussed the various angles and dimensions of organ transplants with their rulings.(see   http://www.askimam.org/public/question_detail/16480 )
However, all are unanimous that if one requires an organ or tissue and it is made available for him, he may use it. As such there was nothing unislamic in you undergoing the corneal transplant to improve your eyesight.
2 وَيُبَاحُ له بِالْإِكْرَاهِ أَكْلُ الْمَيْتَةِ وَشُرْبُ الْخَمْرِ وَيُرَخَّصُ له بِإِجْرَاءِ كَلِمَةِ الْكُفْر(البحر الرائق ص80 ج8  دار المعرفة )
3 ولو أن حاملا ماتت وفي بطنها ولد يضطرب فإن كان غالب الظن أنه ولد حي وهو في مدة يعيش غالبا فإنه يشق بطنها لأن فيه إحياء الآدمي بترك تعظيم الآدمي وترك التعظيم أهون من مباشرة سبب الموت.(تحفة الفقهاء ص345 ج3)
الضَّرُورَاتُ تُبِيحُ الْمَحْظُورَاتِ(الأشباه و النظائر ص85)
And Allah Ta’ala Knows Best.
Arshad Ali
Student, Darul Iftaa
Checked and Approved by,
Mufti Ebrahim Desai

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